Round 5 Challenge #6: VOTING!

Nov 12, 2009 09:11

Are you ready to RUMBLE?? This week, we’re rumbling in Mumbai, India!

Welcome to the sixth week of voting for Round 5 of Dramione LDWS-Rumble Edition!!

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  • 1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  • 2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  • 3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

    The “feedback” option.

    As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. You can also leave feedback for ALL drabbles in a screened comment if you wish. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

    Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

    Now that all of that is done… We present the drabbles for week 6!!


    [1] Choose your most favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. Each drabble’s MF and LF scores will be added together. Drabble with most points wins!!
    [2] Points will be awarded to the top THREE (3) drabbles, Mod’s Choice, and any other awards we want to throw in!
    [3] You may NOT vote for yourself.

    Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, November 13, 2009.

    AROUND THE WORLD with Draco and Hermione!!
    This stop: Mumbai, India! Pick a fact - any fact (historical, a festival, local color - whatever) and incorporate it into your drabble.

    The following people did not submit drabbles and are ineligible for rewards this week:


    Title: Through the Gates
    Author: pokecharm
    Rating: G
    Warning(s): Post-DH Epilogue
    Word Count: 377

    The heat was stifling. She had cast a cooling charm on her clothes, but the sun was relentless. What little wind was coming off of the harbour was swallowed up by the massive crowds. She covered her chestnut hair, trying to avoid being recognised as not an indigenous person, but it was to no avail. Her fair skin was a dead giveaway and she was being stalked by any and all street children in a three kilometre radius.

    She walked briskly towards the looming Gateway of India, heading towards the magical centre of Mumbai, the Jehangir Art Gallery. A false brick on the side of the Prince of Wales Museum and behind the Jehangir Art Gallery opened into an alleyway similar to Diagon Alley.

    Instead of heading straight to the Museum, she turned and headed into the air conditioned Gallery, hoping for a slight respite from the overwhelming heat. The Gallery was fairly empty; she eased her way to her favourite piece of art. Most pieces of art were of Hindu Gods, but this was something different.

    It depicted a woman, standing near a large body of water, her face downcast and her hands empty. The night sky was a perfect midnight blue and Hermione felt reminded of her time at Hogwarts in front of the Black Lake. She stood silently admiring the painting. She did not hear the soft footsteps that came to a halt behind her.

    ‘Fancy it, love?’ came a soft drawl from behind her.

    She turned abruptly, the covering over her head falling back. Her eyes turned from dismay-to-relief-to-irritation in mere seconds. So many things she could have said, but the first words out of her mouth were simple, ‘What are you doing here?’

    He sighed, his pale blonde hair having darkened in the sun. He took a tentative step towards her. ‘I didn’t…I wasn’t sure where you’d gone.’

    ‘I went on holiday. Alone.’ She tried to suppress a smile and continued, ‘Alone implies I didn’t bring anyone with me.’

    ‘Maybe I’m on holiday alone as well, and I just ran into you,’ he added smiling.

    ‘What brings you, of all people, to a place like India?’ she asked.

    He sighed then leaned forward grasping her hand gently. ‘I came about a girl.’


    Title: Runaway Bride
    Author: greenschist
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): previous Ron/Hermione
    Word Count: 499

    Hermione stood at the water's edge watching a camera crew maneuver through the water. Under the shadow of the Gateway to India, actors spiraled around the deck of a boat in an elaborate dance while a brightly clad actress swooned at the bow. No doubt heroine would find hero, love would follow swift and true, and their wedding would be celebrated with flowers, music, and yet more dancing.

    If only real life could be so easy.

    Hermione braced her feet when jostled by the crowd. Being jostled was a fact of life in Mumbai. She had never been in such a crowded place, nor ever been so alone in a crowd.

    After a particularly hard bump, as if someone had nudged her with his knee, Hermione turned to glare but then gaped in astonishment.

    "When you decide to run away," Draco held her tightly, as if afraid she would bolt again, "you don't mess around, do you?"

    "You followed me to India?" Hermione's eyes blurred with tears at the sight of him. "How did you find me?"

    "You weren't hard to track after I figured out you were traveling like a Muggle. A weeping woman in a wedding dress running through Heathrow attracts plenty of attention." He brushed his thumb across her cheek, catching her tears. "Why, Hermione?"

    "I left my wand at the Burrow when I ran away," she said, miserable. "I just…once I decided to leave, I couldn't stay there another minute, not even to get my wand."

    "That's not what I meant, but here." Hiding his hands between their bodies, Draco pulled her wand from his sleeve without letting the surrounding Muggles see.

    She clutched it against her chest. "How…?"

    "Potter gave it to me when I told him I was coming after you."

    She froze. "Did Harry say anything?"

    "Not much." He rubbed her arms in soothing circles. "Just that it'll be okay. He says he wants to see you, but Weasley needs him right now."

    Fresh tears burned her eyes. "Ron must hate me. They all must hate me, but Ron must be so hurt."

    "Well, I don't care about Weasley, I only care about you, and I need to know, Hermione." He gave her a small shake. "Why would you run away from him and not run to me?"

    "I didn't know if you loved me. Our relationship was over," she whispered. "I never thought you'd look for me."

    He released her and stood with his hands on his hips.

    "Hermione, I spent your wedding day drinking myself into a stupor because you wanted to marry that idiot, I spent over 1000 galleons in bribes to find your hotel, and I have searched a city of 20 million people to hold you in my arms again. Fate brought you back into my life, and wherever you go, I'll follow. Of course, I love you! I love you more than any-"

    She threw her arms around him and silenced him with a kiss.


    Title: Welcome Manipulation
    Author: ayane_tsurugi
    Rating: PG-13
    Warning(s): None.
    Word Count: 308

    A city with fourteen million people in it was no city for a Malfoy, as Draco pointed out to his brand new wife for the third time that morning. Their honeymoon had just begun, and he’d yet to see his hotel room. Or his wife’s undergarments.

    “Oh, hush, Draco. You were the one who wanted to get married just before the Film Festival started. You knew I wanted to go.” She squeezed his hand and kissed him on the cheek, but this did nothing to quell his intense urge to whine.

    “It is abnormally hot, and people keep touching me in ways that are distinctly unpleasant for this to be the first day of my honeymoon.”

    Hermione had the nerve to laugh, and so he took to his most persuasive skill: pouting.

    “Come on, Draco, just give me a couple of hours?”

    “We’ve been here a couple of hours! If you’ll realize, we’ve moved approximately a metre and a half in that amount of time.”

    She looked around a moment, seemed to determine that he was right, and frowned. “But we’ve almost reached the door! We can’t leave now!”

    Draco raised an incredulous eyebrow at his bride. “Hermione, there are still two hundred people between us and that door. Don’t be daft.”

    It seemed, over the course of their relationship, she had picked up a few things from him. For example, her pouting was decidedly improved.

    “I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he whispered, leaning very close to her ear. He pressed his lips to the side of her neck and smiled when he felt her shiver.

    “You’re a manipulative bastard.”

    “You married a manipulative bastard. An unrepentant one, as well.” He kissed her again in the same spot, and she sighed.

    “So I did.” She turned around quickly and took a step forward. “Excuse us!”


    Title: Real
    Author: alexajohnson
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): AU
    Word Count: 495

    The Mumbai July rain is as merciless as its reputation.

    Hermione can hardly see an inch in front of her as she and Draco run desperately down the crowded streets, blindly pushing through people. If she weren’t holding on to his hand, she’s not sure she’d even be able to see him, and she grabs onto the warmth even tighter, afraid of what will happen if she lets go.

    Finally, when she feels as though her heart will burst out of her chest, he steers her to a side street, pulling her into his arms as he rests against the wall of the building.

    Draco takes a shuddering breath. “I think we lost them.”

    “I don’t even know how they found us in the first place.”

    Her mind is racing as fast as the adrenaline coursing through her as she considers the possibilities. They either got really unlucky, or there is a spy in their midst.

    “I’m putting you in danger,” he says, tightening his hold around her. “I really don’t know why you insist on staying with me. You’re a big enough target on your own, and I’m the last thing you need.”

    She shakes her head. “You are everything I need, and I’m not saying that to be romantic. I’m simply stating the truth.”

    “Well, I think you’re delusional,” he says with a little laugh, but it sounds tight and forced and it pains her to hear it. “But I guess I shouldn’t complain, right?”

    Cupping his face with her hands, she kisses him urgently, and she can taste his passion and desperation as his lips press against hers.

    “This is real, Draco,” she says, slightly breathless, “and I know you feel it. There was nothing delusional about that kiss.”

    “I know.” But he’s frowning, a contradictory expression. And then he surprises her. “I just-I want you to know that I don’t take you for granted.”

    She smiles up at him. “I’ve never thought that.”

    There’s a moment of silence as they look at each other intently, and then finally he grins. “I sure picked a great time to get all touchy-feely didn’t I?”

    Laughing, she says, “Nothing brings out intimacy and romance like a brush with Death Eaters, right? I have a great idea, though-why don’t we get out of this rain?”

    “Well, I think the IMAX dome theater is around here somewhere, assuming we’re still in Wadala,” Draco says, squinting into the distance. “Maybe there’ll be a good Bollywood movie about to show. Might as well enjoy what’s left of our little vacation.”

    Her smile turns seductive. “I was thinking something a little more…private.”

    He smirks, delighted. “Now you’re speaking my language!”

    She chuckles, and this time she is hardly aware of the crowd as they make their way back to the street. As far as she’s concerned, she and Draco are the only two people in the world, and right now the only thing real to her is him.


    Title: Festive Mood
    Author: bookishwench
    Rating: G
    Warning(s): None
    Word Count: 426

    “It’s an elephant,” Draco said.

    “It’s not just any elephant!” Hermione said in a shocked whisper as the revelers in the street danced before the ornate statue.

    “Okay, it’s a pink elephant with four arms, then,” Draco said, giving her a look of deepest skepticism. “I’ll grant you, that’s unusual.”

    “That’s Ganesh,” Hermione said, nodding towards the image. “Hindus celebrate his birthday now, and it’s a really big festival in Mumbai.”

    “I kind of got that idea,” Draco said as he watched the people forming the parade, all of them dressed in their colorful best and chanting hymns and mantras. “This does look like one highly memorable party.”

    “Yes,” Hermione said, glad that their business in the India branch of the Ministry had been cleared up so quickly. “Ganesh is supposed to be the remover of all obstacles. It’s really quite fascinating.”

    “Remover of obstacles, eh?” Draco said, looking at her appraisingly. “I rather like the sound of that.”

    Without the least bit of warning, he quickly wrapped an arm around her waist and turned her to face him. Her shocked expression at once mellowed as he pressed his lips to hers in a kiss, the sound of the music and the swirls of color in the background making the moment feel like something out of a very vivid dream.

    “You taste like coconut,” he said finally when they parted.

    “Modak,” she said quietly, “a sweet made for the festival.”

    “Nice,” he said, sweeping in for yet another kiss. “Nicer.”

    “And just what exactly has gotten into you?” she said when he at last let her up for air.

    “Complaining?” he asked, smirking at her.

    “Not especially, no,” she admitted, “but I rather thought your pureblood sensibilities would be scandalized by kissing a Muggle-born in public.”

    He frowned at her, his mouth quirking up uncomfortably.

    “That isn’t me anymore. It hasn’t been for a long time now. I just needed a good excuse to get past it, and you gave me one,” he said.

    “Remover of obstacles,” Hermione said with a smile as the procession became even louder.

    “Say, what exactly are they doing to that statue?” Draco suddenly asked, sounding alarmed. “It looks like they’re drowning it!”

    “Hmm? Oh, they’re sending it into the river to return Ganesh to his previous home,” Hermione said.

    “Oh,” Draco said, looking mildly placated. “I suppose that’s alright, then.”

    “I thought you said it was just a pink elephant with four arms,” Hermione teased him.

    “Maybe,” Draco said, giving her a squeeze, “but I’ve grown rather fond of him.”


    Title: Tour Guide
    Author: midnight_birth
    Rating: PG
    Word Count: 295

    “See, I told you you’d like this,” Draco said, throwing Hermione a sideways glance and smirking a little at her awe-filled expression.

    “It’s… beautiful,” she admitted. She had been in Mumbai on this assignment for over a week, and had not even found a chance to tear herself away from the office to see everything she wanted to see coming to India. The Flora Fountain was, of course, high on that list.

    She had to admit she wasn’t thrilled when the Ministry had informed her that her assignment looked too big for one person to handle, and they were sending another to help her, and she was even less thrilled when that “another” turned out to be none other than Draco Malfoy. But, surprisingly, he had acted nothing but civil, topping it off with insisting she take a break and come with him to “see something”.

    “Thank you for bringing me here,” she said, looking down and smiling. “I think it’s possible that with the way I’ve been getting caught up with everything, I would have never even ended up doing any sight-seeing.”

    “I figured that,” Draco said coolly, but he was smiling slightly, too. “Well, it’s not my first time in India by far, so I certainly know a couple of places worth seeing.” Suddenly, he seemed a little uncomfortable. “There is a restaurant you should really visit while you’re here.”

    She knew she was gaping as she said, “You asking me out, Malfoy?”

    He sneered. “I said there would be a restaurant, it’s worth seeing, and I would also be there. I didn’t say I wanted you to go out with me.”

    Hermione couldn’t help but stifle a smile, but tried to look serious and unperturbed. “I think that would be very nice.”


    Title: Other Intentions
    Author: scarletladyy
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): None
    Word Count: 327

    "I really can't believe we're here," Hermione exclaimed as she looked around the beautiful city of Mombai. "Their culture is amazing. Draco, look -!" She tugged on Draco's sleeve and pointed at the Art-Deco style of the building in front of her. "Isn't it wonderful?"

    Draco pulled out of Hermione's grasp. "I have eyes, you know."

    "Thank you!" Hermione said excitedly, grabbing him around the waist and hugging him tightly. "For bringing me here, I mean."

    Carefully he pushed her off of him. "People are staring," he hissed in her ear. If there was one thing a Malfoy did not like, it was unwanted attention.

    Hermione walked up to the building and traced her fingers over the design. "Oh, but you love people looking at you."

    "Not when it's due to the fact that they think my girlfriend is clinically insane." Draco put his hand in his pocket and fished out a leaflet: A guide to Mumbai.

    Hermione ignored this. She was in one of the greatest cities in the world - she wasn't going to let her boyfriend ruin it with his mood swings. "While we're here I want to see Bombay University - it's five stars you know - and the Elephanta Caves - the temple there is said to be the abode of Shiva -"

    Draco tuned out as Hermione went on and on about Mumbai's buildings and history. He loved her passion for things, but this was far too much. Without a second thought, he stuffed the leaflet back in his pocket. "Come on," he said, taking her hand and leading her towards the nearest hotel. "We can see all that later."

    "What are you doing?" She asked, irritated at being interrupted.

    Draco winked at her. "I'm going to do the only thing I came here to do. It is our honeymoon, after all."

    "Ugh!" Scoffed Hermione as she realised his intentions. "!"

    "You always were good with the insults, Granger."


    Title: Across the Universe
    Author: mister_otter
    Rating: G
    Warning(s): none
    Word Count: 487

    Outside the long windows, Mumbai is aflame with one of its world-famous sunsets.

    My daughter Rose, ever the young adventuress, lives and works in this teeming, exotic city of fourteen million. Tonight in the lovely old Taj Mahal Hotel, she will marry Scorpius Malfoy. Hugo will escort his sister to the altar, while I watch the ceremony--alone.

    Ron. I smile sadly, thinking how he would have ranted over Rose’s choice of groom, before giving in and proudly taking his place as father of the bride…

    A sharp rap at the door interrupts my reverie. I turn to see Draco Malfoy--handsome, dignified, and silver-haired.

    “Mrs. Weasley, if you are ready, I will accompany you to the marriage of our children.” He gives a tiny, amused smirk and offers his arm.

    “I’m surprised you agreed to this wedding,” he continues, guiding me toward the stairs. “You do realize that your future grandchildren will be part ferret?”

    “And yours will be part Muggle-born,” I reply.

    “One-quarter, if anyone were counting. But no one is.”

    ”Whatever else our grandchildren turn out to be, Mr. Malfoy--they will be mutual.”

    ”They will, indeed.” Then, solemnly, “I was sorry to learn of the loss of your husband, Mrs. Weasley.”

    I incline my head. ”I am equally sorry for the loss of your wife. I…I wish both of them could be here to celebrate this evening.”

    He nods and his voice drops to a murmur. “Sometimes I miss Astoria almost more than I can bear.”

    ”It takes someone with an equal loss to truly understand that brand of loneliness.” I squeeze his arm. The shadows beneath his grey eyes tell me his pain is no less than mine.

    Suddenly, he brightens and I find I like it when he does that.

    “I’m looking forward to dancing with you after the wedding,” he says. ”It will make up for that dance I never got at the Yule Ball during fourth year.”

    “Mr.Malfoy! I had no idea…”

    ”Of course you didn’t.” Another amused smirk. “I couldn’t very well let on--you and I were practically at war with each other, at the time.”

    “Do you suppose we’ll be able to tolerate each other now that we’re almost related?”

    “Marriages sometime make strange bedfellows. We might discover an actual liking for one another. And of course, we’ll have those mutual grandchildren…”

    “What if Rose and Scorpius remain childless?” I ask.

    ”Nonsense. The breeding capability of Weasleys is legendary,” Draco nods sagely. “Now, let’s see--I rather like the name ‘Astronia,’ to honor our late spouses. Or ‘Hermiaco.’ That has a nice ring, don’t you think?”

    “Yes, I do. New beginnings, Malfoy?”

    “New beginnings, Granger.”

    Much later, we are dancing near our just-married children in a posh, Art Deco ballroom beside the Arabian Sea. The air is rich with the heady flavor of India. I look up at Draco and he smiles broadly.

    New beginnings, indeed.


    REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT the title. It just makes it easier on the mods!


    NOW, for voters! If you’d like to participate in our side challenge this round, in a screened comment, please rank the 3 drabbles YOU think will place in the top 3. PLEASE use the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT the title.

    You may also leave feedback for each drabble if you'd like. This will be helpful for the participants as they continue through this challenge. Since no one will be eliminated, writers will be able to use their feedback to improve week to week. Thank you!

    Top 3 Drabbles:

    Here's your boarding pass for A Trip Around the World
    Click the Pass to Read & Vote!
    This Week's destination: Mumbai, India
    Voting Ends Friday, November 13th at Midnight EST (GMT -4)

    To Get this Pretty for your Journal - Spread the Drabble Love!" target="blank">">

    Here's your boarding pass for A Trip Around the World
    Click the Pass to Read & Vote!
    This Week's destination: Mumbai, India
    Voting Ends Friday, November 13th at Midnight EST (GMT -4)

  • round 5, voting

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