Round 5 Challenge #6: Results

Nov 14, 2009 09:50

Around the world with Draco and Hermione!
Next stop: Mumbai, India!

This week we had 8 excellent drabbles up for the prizes! Our secret facts this week were Bollywood and the Mumbai International Film Festival So everyone who wrote about one (or both) of these facts will get extra points this week!

NOTE: the banners for last week have been posted. Sorry for the delay! Pick them up here.

Yet again, the field was strong and the decision difficult.

We’ve had a first in Dramione LDWS history. Two drabbles tied for first, and our usual tiebreaker method was invalid because both drabbles received the same number of MF points (7) AND LF points (1). So we’re awarding first place points to both writers!

Congratulations to greenschist, who wrote “Runaway Bride” and to pokecharm, who wrote “Through the Gates!”

Mod’s Choice this week goes to pokecharm! That last line warmed our hearts and put smiles on our faces. Congratulations!!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post.

Feedback: If you want your feedback, comment to this post. It will be sent to you via PM.

POINTS! The leader board continues to change with each passing week. I was going to update the top 3 for you, but without knowing who got pokey’s fact, I don’t want to do that just yet. I’ll update this once I hear from her!

This segment of ldws is our newest addition. We are hoping to get you voters more involved, to reward you and thank you for participating in this challenge. Without you, we couldn’t operate!

Quick reminder of the rules: Voters were given the chance to leave their predictions for the top 3 drabbles. Points will be given for each correct guess, and shinies will be awarded to those with the most points.

The top 3 drabbles this week were: 1, 2, 3, and 5. Drabbles 1 and 2 tied this week, as you know, and so did drabbles 3 and 5! So we’re accepting any of these combinations: 1, 2, 3 or 1, 2, 5 or 2, 1, 3 or 2, 1, 5.

We had a lot of close guesses this week, but only ONE person nailed the top 3 straight on. Congratulations to elektra30!

Voter count this week: 23. At least we are staying consistent! We would love to hear your thoughts on what we can do to increase voter participation. What can we do to make this more exciting for everyone-participants AND voters? Thanks in advance!

Next challenge up soon!

round 5, results

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