2 questions for all Dramione shippers!

Nov 17, 2004 06:55

Hey guys!
It’s Raffy from the D/Hr site Contra Veritas.

I’m basically just cross-posting these 2 questions from the dracohermionecomm and Sleeping with the Enemy: (my apologies if you’ve seen this already at either yahoo groups)

1) How long have you been a D/Hr shipper?

2) What was the first fic you read that got you hooked with Draco and Hermione?

I’ve been a D/Hr shipper for 3 years now. Yours truly started reading D/Hr late 2001 but it was only the following year (2002) that I became pretty vocal about my beloved ship.

I guess you can consider A Dragon’s Feast by Spiffy Tiffi as my first love when it comes to D/Hr fics! Yes, I’m addicted to disturbingly-erotic stories! (obviously since I created a Raffy's D/Hr Smut Vault last year...heh).*evil hentai grin*

How about you guys? I’d love to know your thoughts!

x-posted at draco_hermione and dracoxhermione

discussions, discussion: draco/hermione, discussion: ship participation

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