First Offering

Nov 17, 2004 00:47

Title: A Love Across Time
Author: Anzy
Author's Notes: I am not entirely fond of how this came out. I may go back soon and revise the prologue before I even start on the next chapter to this. I really want it to come out much better than it looks. However, I am just wrote this in hopes to remove myself from the writer's block I have been under. This is my first Harry Potter story I have written. I mostly do anime stories but I couldn't pass this one up with it playing in my head.
Rating: PG
Summary: Had they loved right centuries before--could it all be happening again?
Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, Draco and Hermione would be together. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case as JK Rowlings has all rights to it. -sighs- I can wish, can't I?

A Love Across Time
by Anzy


None of this was ever suppose to happen.

The words raced through her mind like a mantra as her paced quickened through the deserted halls. She couldn't remember when things had turned so ugly or that they had become so filled with despair. She had longed hope she had changed his mind...given him reason within to taste the true power of the bindings of the heart, but her own cousin had turned against. Now here she was trying desperately to find him before they even had the chance to poison his mind.

'It's too late for that,' the voice within her reasoned.

She could feel thin strands of webing constrict around her heart. These past few years had been harsh upon their lives. They had been forced to flee from the magicial world and settle into a muggle life. Both had thought it would have been the end of it but they had been too wrapped up on their hopes to realize that it had been far from other. They were considered to be fugitives now and a bounty placed heavily upon their heads.

She couldn't remember when they had found them or what had happened next. All she could remember were the silver eyes of her beloved husband. He had tried everything to reach her...everything to grasp her hand but in the end, he had been dragged away and she left to fend for herself.

"We were so happy," she whispered softly to herself. Crystal tears streamed down her face causing her vision to blur briefly. "Why couldn't they see that?"

'It's because you are muggleborn,' that voice returned with every intention of reminding her of her heritage. 'You both knew that such a union between a pureblood and a mudblood could never be.'

It was true, she knew with every inch of her heart and soul. Their union had been forbidden but it had not stopped either of them from falling in love and now it was all about to be taken away from her. She could do nothing. Not a damn thing to halt the strings of Fate from severing it all.

"It's about time you showed up," a voice from the shadows spoke up causing her feet to halt in their tracks. She turned to narrow her chocolate hues in the direction from which the voice had come from. It was rare for her to hate anyone but in this case, she had made an exception for the man who strode out of the shadows. She had loathed him since she first encountered him and continued to loathe him to this very day. He had been nothing more than a deep thorn in their sides with his constant preaching about the end of all muggleborns and half-bloods.

Sweeping her gaze away from the man, she let them fall upon the only man she had ever loved in this lifetime. He stood just several feet away from her with his hands tied above his head glaring angrily at her. Those once warm silver eyes now held pieces of ice blue swimming within their depths. She didn't have to be told what he thought; she could already sense his hatred seeping through the pores of his body, and wrapped them around her to the point where breathing had become a chore for her.

Silence filled the air between them and she knew all her hope was lost. There was no escaping the Fate that laid out before them. Not a single chance at all and the young woman felt her heart shattering like glass. To know he hated her ate at the very core of her soul and there was nothing she could say that would change his mind. He would believe whatever they said. She was nothing more than a mudblood whore in his eyes now, that she was sure of.

And somewhere closeby, Fate laughed cruelly in her direction. Enjoying the torment it had given her.

fic post, rating: pg

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