Dream, Ch. 2

Nov 17, 2004 12:30

Dream, Ch. 2
Summary: Draco's version of things
Rating: NC-17
Paring: D/Hr...must I really even say that?
Disclaimer: JKR owns everything but the idea. SO, don't sue me for borrowing the characters for my own little twisted story.

Chapter two

He knew what his kissing did to her, and he spent time basking in the pleasure he was focusing on to her body. He loved the little sounds of pleasure that she made. He never knew that her little moans and whimpers could be such a turn on.
He slid his hands from their comfortable position around her shoulders to a more intimate position on her hips. He soon began caressing her shapely bottom. He couldn’t help himself; he had a weakness for her arse.
Kissing was all well and good, but he wanted to have more, and, as a Malfoy, he always got what he wanted. He stopped and smirked as her face, just a moment before was full of passion, dropped into an undeniably sexy frown.
Needing to see that look of passion in her eyes once more, he began to unbutton her blouse with a practiced ease that should have stunned her. Instead, it only increased their feelings of urgency.
As her blouse fluttered to the floor, he continued with his intimate study of her body.
With a grunt of male appreciation, he removed her bra and began to rub her breasts. She had perfect breasts, he thought, just like a ripe fruit waiting to be plucked by the right hand.
Replacing his hands with his mouth, he began to suckle he breasts like an infant. Soon, he felt the tremors in her body that signaled that she was on the brink of an incredible orgasm. He couldn’t let her have one without him.
The anticipation of what was to come was too much for her. He gasped as she began to claw at his shirt in a half-hearted attempt to remove it. Not wanting to see it ripped to shreds, he took it off for her. She began a rigorous study in his torso, exploring all of the nips and tucks that seemed forbidden to her until that moment.
He soon tired of their exploring, and always wanting more he lowered his attention to the waistband of her jeans. The sooner he could rid her of those ridiculous trousers the better, for them both.
He almost laughed with the enthusiasm that she exhibited as she unbuttoned her jeans and slid them to the floor along with her knickers. He took a quick glance around the room and appreciated the sight of her clothes crumpled on the floor.
Turning his attention back to her, he smirked as he began a more thorough examination of her. He began to possess her body with expert movements of his hands, followed by his mouth.
He felt her groan with both lust and longing as he parted her tight curls and began to taste her. She tasted honey sweet, like some exotic desert he had waited a lifetime to have. Screw the silverware; he had always liked eating with his fingers.
He couldn’t take her sweetness for much longer, or he would explode. Pulling her up to his waiting lips, he reveled in her shock as she discovered what she tasted like upon his lips.
Growling in unison, they flopped onto the bed. She willingly spread her legs to allow him access. With such a breathtaking invitation, he plunged into her, filling her slowly to the brink of pain then back to pleasure. It was perfection, they fit together completely in every way.
He couldn’t stand it, he had to move. And when he did, he swore some one replaced reality with heaven, life with a dream. She felt like liquid velvet, smooth and wet. He wanted to savor the moment for as long as possible.
She didn’t enjoy his leisurely pace, however, and was soon straddling him. He had never felt such intense pressure that delightfully kept building. Both of them moaning in mutual pleasure and appreciation, she delighted in quickening his slow pace while at the same time, making his head swim.
He knew before she did that she was about to cum. She screamed his name as her climax overtook her “DRACO!”
He had had enough of this game; it was his turn to play. Pumping faster and harder, he let himself go while saying her name…”HERMIONE!”

Gasping for breath, Draco Malfoy woke up with a start, raking his long, pale blonde hair out of his face.
He had that dream for the third time that week. Not that it wasn’t enjoyable, but it was odd to be dreaming of that Granger girl again. He didn’t really know why either. Well, maybe he did.
Ever since he first locked horns with the spirited brunette at their first year of school, he couldn’t keep her from his mind. Other girls at the school just fell into his charming ways and soon into his bed, but not her. She was too smart for something like that to happen.
He was a bit taken aback when she didn’t fall for his advances, so he turned his aristocratic anger towards her and her friends, all the while secretly admiring her attitude and bottom as well.
And out of all the girls at school, she was the most attractive to him. Her chocolate brown hair was forever in a tangle, as if she just got out of bed. She was tall, but as he grew, he noticed that they would be just the perfect size together. Her brown eyes were just as expressive as her lovely face and full lips.
However, it could never be know, especially at school, that he had a thing for that girl. He would have been the laughing stock of the entire house.
And, if his father found out…Well, best not to think about that.

Now, with his parents out of the picture, he was free to do as he willed. He was the Malfoy heir, so it was a relative life of leisure. Some of his father’s work ethic somehow pervaded his life, so he accepted his father’s old position at the Ministry of Magic.
Calmly walking to the kitchen of his luxury penthouse flat and pouring himself a cup of tea the maid had left for him before getting ready for work, he was already starting to dread the day to come. Those dreams were always foreshadowed a rotten day.
He hoped to avoid seeing her in the ministry today. She had an odd talent of showing up when he didn’t want her. Not that much happened when they did bump into one another. She always seemed to be in a tremendous hurry to complete something when they met in the halls, so they never seemed to be able to speak. In fact, last time he saw her roaming the halls she was covered in mandrake juice and had dragonfly eggs lodged in her hair.
He hoped that today, the elders would send him to do some useless errand away from the Ministry.
Seeing her was the last thing he needed.

The faster I get reviews, the faster I will post ch. 3. (Spoiler for Ch. 3-At the Ministry)

fic post, rating: nc-17

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