(no subject)

Nov 23, 2010 11:21

Dear Livejournal world,

For some odd and strange reason, whether it's the weather or the full moon or whatever's in the water, I've noticed that almost everyone I know on livejournal seems to be dissatisfied with life.  So in an attempt to reverse the general tone livejournal has taken, I am posting things that generally make me happy in the hopes that they will make you happy too.  In no particular order:

1. Kittens, standard to any "this makes me happy" list.
2. This bite-sized coffee crisp I am currently eating.  I like my coffee crisp.
3. Video-game times with Dan, pretty much my go-to guy for all things video games, especially scary video games I myself am too scared to play.
4. Rolling in leaves.
5. Feeling the first autumn wind
6. Zelda
7. Reading a very good script
8. A bowl of stew
9. A really good bottle of wine
10. Nights out at a pub with Amber, especially one where the staff knows you
11. Random nights with friends that you weren't expecting especially the Hart House crew
12. Bread
13. Playing with a broadsword and not sucking
14. Baking on a Sunday
15. Sleeping in
16. Actually going to bed after a long day of running around
17. Massages
18. Movie nights
19. Murder mysteries
20. Other things beginning with the letter M
21. Encounters with crushes that don't end up in me falling all over the place
22. That moment when I'm acting when absolutely everything feels perfect.
23. Reading and writing fantasy
24. Walks through the woods, finding those magical nooks and crannies others wouldn't go looking for (except for Brianne)
25. Sunday brunch
26. comic books
27. Going home for a visit
28. Walking and swimming along Lake Huron
29. Swimming in general
30. Making other people laugh
31. Forts
32. the Muppets
33. the feeling I get when I realize that my cast/Artz Haus/roomies feel like family
34. Hallway dances with Kaitlyn
35. Comic book talks with Matt
36. Late night chats with Geoff, whose humour pretty much matches mine

There are many more things I could discuss and list, but I am at work and have to get back to it.  But I challenge you, livejournal community, to post lists like these.  If anything, it's a distraction from current problems and will let you leave less heavy hearted than you did before.

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