(no subject)

Nov 24, 2010 01:00

Wow, I must say the responses have been great to read.  I wasn't sure if it might catch on, but I've been having fun reading lists the last half hour and it's been delightful when I find myself thinking "Awww, I should have put THAT on my list too!"

Another thing that makes me happy is Dr. Who.  For anyone that hasn't seen it that enjoys some good science fiction AND good writing, I highly recommend it.   I didn't get into it until a couple of months ago and now I'm scrounging for any episode I can get.  There are a few really, REALLY good episodes that's some of the best TV I've seen ever.  Period.

The Girl in the Fireplace: I just can't seem to shut up about this episode.  Not even with people who have never seen the show.  It's one of the best romantic stories I've ever seen.  It was what made me download the series soundtrack JUST for that theme.  And it had me crying at the end.  There were a couple of cheesy parts, but other than that, the acting, story and music just played brilliantly.  I heard the two actors playing the lovers actually started dating after that episode and it doesn't surprise me.

Family of Blood:  This is actually a two-parter.  There is not much to say other than that it is my single favourite couple of episodes (okay, well, tied with the Girl in the Fireplace).  It's the best episode for really exploring the characters presented so far and again David Tennant is just a brilliant actor.  I won't reveal much about this one except that the end is one of the best pieces I've seen in quite some time.

Blink:  This is scary.  Like, really scary.  But not in the way you think.  Not in the zombie apocalypse way or the conventional scary movie type way.  Almost in a silent hill sort of way.  The plot centres around a girl, not the Doctor, who stumbles across a bunch of weeping angel statues.  then she sees a warning to her specifically from 1969 from the doctor telling her, Sally Sparrow, to beware the weeping angels.  Now, the very first episode of the new series features maniquins that come to life.  And that's creepy.  But this?  Was creepier and scarier on every level, because as with every great horror, it's what you don't see that's the scariest.  And this was how a lot of childhood nightmares played out for me.  Statues that seemed to move when I wasn't looking, where I was afraid to turn my back to them for fear of them sneaking up on me.  What makes this episode even more brilliant is that they had actual actors as the statues and I COULDN'T TELL.  Which explained what I thought was fancy camera work.  It actually reminds me of that Mario 3 level where the ghosts follow you until you face them and they cover their eyes.  In fact, it's EXACTLY like that.

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