Art Update

Mar 03, 2012 11:21

I grabbed space on Behance and love the ability to track projects in progress. It's an interesting form of "Portfolio site" with a twist. Go check it out!

I've set aside space for my Western Zodiac Project - which I've taken back up again after a bit of a creative hiatus. I may go back an digitally correct Aries later, but for now I need to get the other signs researched and worked up.

So far the "solid" designs are Aries (done), Taurus, and Aquarius. Gemini is close to completion as far as research and direction goes. The composition, figure interaction, and background for Gemini still eludes me.

Taurus will be a young bull with more human features (a bit Minotaur-like), like human-esque hands, arms, upper torso, upper legs/waist region. It will have a bull's head with more human eyes, a tail, and hoofed feet. In the background will be a forest (still in works) with a homestead of some kind perhaps. It will be based loosely in the medieval period (think Robin Hood). I'm tossing around the idea of having a young calf clinging to his leg, looking out toward the audience as if hiding behind the young bull. The color pallet will be a lot of greens and browns, but I may make the bull a white bull with black/brown points in green/brown garb.


Aquarius will be depicted as a waterbear carrying a water pitcher or an amphorall. The background will be a simple landscape, I'll need to go digging for some nice "Greek" landscapes. Maybe something with vineyards?

ideas, art research, projects, art, thoughts

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