General News

Sep 24, 2011 19:53

Lots of stress in my life at the moment. With baby on the way this makes it more so. However I'm going to use the time I have and get something better for myself set up.

However, working a full time job (non-career related due to the economic needs and situation I'm in right now) taxes me to the point where I have little to no energy. I've been far too lax in finalizing and coding my website design. This has to do with a lot about the levels of responsibility and stress I deal with in my day to day life. I have very little time that is useful to me, and I find myself farting around on facebook wasting what little time I have due to lack of brain-engagement. Seriously, I feel like a zombie most days.

I had to shut down my Fiverr Gigs due to inability to get them done. I got tired of fighting with the family for time, especially with the S.O. /complaining/ about how much time I spend on these things and how little they pay out. He's over-stressed due to our money situation, I can understand that, but his attitude is not helpful.

Gyphie-butt came over today with bunny rabbit carcass. Hrmmn. Stew time. We chated about various things and played a little bit of catch up. She showed me a couple pieces she'd worked on and I am throughly impressed by her artistic improvement. In fact I'm downright jealous of her "people art skills". ;) She tackled a difficult pose with two difficult animals' (hippogriff) parts. I hope the work we did on figuring out how to place parts and the perspective works out. It was a difficult piece, but when she can get it done it'll be so worth it!

Made Lasagne tonight with the kids, can't wait to dig into it!

I hope to have some more of my art finalized and cleaned up for display. I really need a better paying, career-related job. To do that I need a killer potfolio of work. Wish me luck.

life update, update

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