Nov 29, 2009 22:10
Hurrah, I have a new RPG to watch! Or do I mean "Hurrah..."? Only time will tell. Rich started up Kingdom Hearts tonight. In case you're not aware, Kingdom Hearts, which I persist in trying to spell with two 'e's for some reason, is the game series where Squaresoft (of FFn fame) collaborated with Disney (as in the mouse).
Personally, never had any desire to play this game. Coming as I do from a staunch Warner Bros. background, the mouse is persona non grata in the family home. So, seriously - an FF-style game where you might encounter Snow White or Winnie the Pooh? No thanks. But, Rich's brothers recommended it (I actually got the same recommendation from a coworker a week or so ago) so he decided to give it a go.
My official pronouncement, an hour or so into the game, is that we're looking at Grandia III levels of mockability. Possibly slightly above - no, wait, I just remembered that we do have an underage love interest (don't worry, the hero's underage too, so he can't be charged as an adult). She's disappeared for now, but I'm sure she'll be back to piss me off at some point. Also, the fact that Minnie Mouse never stops smiling, in spite of the fact that King Mickey has disappeared and the whole world may or may not be doomed, is sort of creepy. And, they spell "money" "munny". 'Nough said about that.
We are definitely not dipping into SF Neo Geo levels here. This game will remain fun to mock throughout, I am sure. And there is so, so much to make fun of so far, it is delightful. I'm going to wring all sorts of pleasure out of this game, though not the way the makers intended, probably. Also, I should point out that it isn't specifically the Disney characters that gives me headaches, as I'd feel the same way about Warner Brothers characters turning up, or the Ninja Turtles or anything else like that. It's just really, really hard to maintain suspension of disbelief when Donald freaking Duck is running around in a stupid pointy hat quacking about King Mickey. It's hard to maintain s. of d. when Final Fantasy characters from previous games turn up, for that matter.
Also, I expected a more coherent plotline from Disney. I'd use the internet to try to figure out why there are parents on the island that is great because there's no adults to tell us what to do, except I already tried to use the internet to look something up about KH and I got page after page of fanfic. Fanfic makes me twitch. Fanfic makes me twitch worse than SF Neo Geo, or the holes in the KH plot. It is not worth risking fanfic to find out what's supposed to go in the holes.