Booking Tickets

Feb 12, 2013 19:15

So, I went off to the Ace Centre this afternoon for my meeting and while I was there I tried to book tickets for all the stuff I wanted to see.
Coppelia - check. Camerata - check. So far so good.
Antigone ? "Oh, sorry, we're not taking bookings for that yet. It isnt until May you know"
Cream tea cinema* - "You dont need to book those. Just come along , there will be plenty of room"

So a far cry from Nomad's experience with the Shakespeare tickets then, where if you werent at the front of the queue on the first day, your chances of getting a seat were really slim.

Apparently the Manchester Camerata set up have been experimenting with different evenings/days to try to fill the theatre for their performances, and have finally hit upon Sunday afternoon as the best time to put bums on seats.
Wish I'd known earlier. It is a tragedy that they are struggling to fill the hall when the quality of the performance is that good.(It's the same company and performance as at Manchester Bridgewater Hall)
Fortunately it was fairly full on Sunday, but I did notice that quite a few people left at the interval. I could be charitable and say that they left early in order to get ready for church in the evening, but somehow I doubt it was that.

Apart from that our Parks Meeting to sort out the Easter (Spring/Ostara/whatever) Event went really well, with both Petra and Louise taking on very definite parts of the planning and preparation. We also threw around some ideas for the May Day event, which we will look at in more detail later.
And in the morning I had been over to the new Beginner's Spanish Group to give them some ideas and encouragement as they sort out how they want to go on. Not sure that Gil (Groups Co-ordinator) and I helped much, somehow. They all looked a bit shell shocked at having to actually plan anything.
It seemed a if they were all waiting for someone to take charge, which is really annoying as I spotted at least 3 very competent people in the group. In the end Gil and I came away and left them to it. If they dont "step up to the plate" then the group will fall apart - it's that simple. Either they want to do it or they dont. It isnt possible to hold people's hands all the way through. Maybe they sorted something out after we had left.
So another busyish day and some good things achieved, though as ever, not as much as one hoped.

*Cream Tea Cinema - Monday afternoons with a cream tea on offer before the film - total cost £7.00. (They tend to show old films or the kind of "nice" stuff that people my age are likely to go and see. eg. "Brief Encounter" "Fly Fishing in the Yemen" nd so on.
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