Moving slowly

Aug 18, 2007 09:56

We are starting to get back into the swing. Still have tons to do at home, cleaning, unpacking, laundry. I have not had a lot of energy lately. DH got up to take our old monitors and TV to the dump finally when they accept electronic waste. Yay. I'm going to probably do some sewing for Highland War today after going to Midsummer Fairies for their Saturday Goddess Gathering. I just need to renew somehow. Perhaps once I shower I will feel better. I feel as if I am cracking a shell of some sort. I'm not completely ready to kick the shell off of me, and retreat behind it, but I am also not willing to stay confined in the limits of the shell, either. TIme to, as my father would say, "Shit or get off the pot." Succinct, if not a bit crude.
Kindred meeting and blot last night. We made a nice dinner. I still prefer my pork loin in the slow cooker over on the BBQ, but DH really loves to rotisserie. Perhaps I'll see if I can do a chicken that way next, maybe it will come out better. I just think it tends to make the pork dry the way he does it. Then again, we did not have time to slow cook it. Oh and we need to bottle mead, two of our three carboys are cleared, the apple and the cherry. The Black Raspberry needs more time. We disposed of a lot of inventory in Massachusetts, so we need to bottle more!! The cherry Chocolate mead is good but still needs some time to mellow out more.

update, self

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