Back home from our travels

Aug 14, 2007 23:01

We are home and have our dear doggies back home today. We got in rather late Monday night. I am still going through and unpacking. Had a ton of shopping, and errands to run today plus I got called in to work for a few hours. So this will be a short update. I'm working on the photos we took at Niagara falls, and the rest of the Grand Canyon, Salem, MA (there were only a few, we got caught in a downpour) and the OZ museum in Kansas, Zion National Park, and of course, the Star Trek experience in Las Vegas.
It is good to be home. We have a ton to do, to unpack and to clean (the house was a bit messy when we left) but overall, feeling good about the trip. Sitting for a long period of time in the car really hurts though. I feel like my tailbone is just one huge bruise. The last few days I was taking some pain meds because I couldn't sit any more. The days I was able to be out of the car and walking around made it better. I finished my book I was reading, Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain. :( More than I wanted to know. At least I"m not as bad as some of the folks in the book! I read probably about four or five novels on the trip out and back!


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