Got the Internet set up this weekend, finally! YAY! Of course
ladysilverlark has a wireless card instead of a regular network card, and they're having issues getting the wireless router to play nice with her laptop, but I hardly consider that to be a fault on my part, I got the cable run to her basement nook, along with a cable feed. I don't do wireless until someone buys me a laptop. :)
It's been a productive weekend. We picked up hardware to turn the tri-fold screen into a door at the bottom of the stairs (but haven't installed it yet), Kat made me oatmeal scotchies (yay!), I got a lot of miniatures prepped for the GenCon Paint & Take, we got the uber-screen entertainment center all set up, and we've made solid inroads into Kat's pile o' boxes (much to Noel's chagrin, who was all upset that we'd unpacked more stuff into the one room she'd finally gotten finished, heh). We also have the office moving along nicely, though I'm pointedly ignoring all the art boxes stacked in the closet at the moment. :/
My computer still isn't playing nice, I got all the software working to properly flash the bios per the Abit support center so I could turn my SATA into a boot drive... and as far as I can tell it didn't work. Snarl. After spending another two hours fighting with it I kicked it and took it over to
deusinnomen to have a looksee at it, hopefully he'll find something obvious that I overlooked, otherwise I get to go buy an additional IDE drive in addition to my SATA drive... which wouldn't bug me so much if a 40Gb drive weren't half the cost of the 350Gb drive we already installed. *sigh* And the 80Gb are the same price as the 40s, so acquiring an 80Gb IDE boot drive is my backup plan, because I can get windows to recognize the SATA drive... as long as windows is already running on the system, which doesn't do me a whole crapload of good if I'm trying to install the SATA as a boot drive. Anyone have an extra 40G drive lying around, or even a 20Gb? Either one should suffice as a boot drive I'm thinking, doesn't XP take under 5 Gig? I want to leave some wiggle room in C: though, as some apps just run better from the root drive.
On the bright side, we got to have lunch with Chris and Sue who was up visiting. I also got to show off our new place - Sue says she loves Kat's couch, and will be moving in post-haste. *Grin* That made the second time this weekend that we got to see the Chris-monster, as we also caught him, Aimee and Michelle (her sister) for dinner after Faire. Yay for good friends living close again!
I still haven't dropped the keys off to the old place, since Invesco basically said they weren't going to bother trying to rent the place as they still had open units (not that I blame them but it's vaguely annoying). I probably won't bother until after GenCon. I plan to swing by the old place tonight anyway, as long as I'm paying for the place i might as well use their dumpsters to get rid of our oversized garbage from the move. :)
I still need to figure out how I'm going to get my new village stickers, as the place is only open from 8-5 according to their voicemail. What kind of crapass "You Must Buy This" outfit doesn't have at least 2 hours open outside of the normal working hours everyone ELSE is working? Sheesh.
This week should be interesting. Nathan, Kat's ex-husband, is coming into town tonight, and going down to GenCon with us. This was planned well before Kat and us moved in together. I'm hoping they get along as well as she says they do, and that it ends up being a friendly week. It could end up just being awkward, we'll see. Wish me luck!