So Noel gets my desk (which used to be Jeff's desk), Kat gets Noel's desk, Tracy gets Kat's desk, and
I got this desk. Currently thanks to a lot of help from
kittykatkatja it's half-assembled (the difficult half), with the rest of the desk scattered through the office. Yes folks, we didn't have enough furniture. *Grin* I MIGHT have time to finish assembling it tonight before gaming. :)
The office is basically trashed at the moment, there is an entertainment center in there with no cables attached, and 4 computers only one of which is assembled. It's getting bumped up on my priority list once the desk is fully assembled - time to get all the computers working and networked, I wanted that done by tuesday but hit some technical snags (like the entertainment center being too large to go down the stairs so it had to go up to the office). We don't have internet yet anyway... WoW is going to bury us a cable, and the landlord has a specific way he wants to run the cable inside the house. As long as he does it quickly I'm ok with that, but we've kind of blocked access to the attics he's going to need to get into...