Things are ok for the most part

Nov 21, 2004 21:17

Heya well Its me Shane Again Know I haven't kept this thing updated as I planned but like Only one person reads it or cares anymore the other I am iggyed by and doesn't wanna talk anymore but anyway for the benefit of Mary I will continue to wright in here. Anyway a lot has happend since my last post well I guess I will go in chronological order cause maybe people will be able to understand that easyer anyway. I believe last time I wrote in here I had a massive suicide urge and took like over 100 asperin I believe like 118 but can't remember that to well anymore anyway lol I bout got my wish when I did that kinda shocked I am still around cause it felt like my heart was about to exsplode after that. Anyway I hit bottom when I did that and Mary talked to me about it and I realized that I had hit bottom and I should help myself because of 1 myself and 2 I hurt the people that I claim to try and protect when I get like that. Anyhow that made me decide to assimilate more of the wiccan ideals of life into mine and I realized I was being a bad friend and a bad wiccan. Anyway I am now trying to live every moment to the fullest now and takeing the risks that I avoided because me avoiding the risks will never lead to me being happy and I know that now. Well my new resolve didn't last that long of time because about 2 weeks ago my Great Grandpa Herbert Huff passed away and this completly happend out of the blue he was going to go in for gullbladder surgery nothing real major then before they did a thing to him he died for no reason. Anyway only learned about his death about a few days later because my fathers side of the family was estranged from me cause my dad ran off when i was like 9 and never heard from any of them after that. Well anyway one good thing came of it I reconcilled with my dad after like 13 years and got to see my sister who was like 3 or 4 when i met with her first time and this was the first time since then i got to talk to her and she is like 15 16 its amazeing. Anyway That was last memrobile thing that happend since I last posted cept was supossed to get to hang out with Mary today for the first time in months and she blew me off lol was mad at the Time but Not anymore I unnerstand things happen anyway have my big Jobcore meeting tommrow so everyone wish me luck
(Piper do you wanna talk anymore or not)
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