date night: iron man 2 premiere

May 07, 2010 19:17

Declan casts a glance over at Ashley in the passenger seat of the car and gives her a smile as he navigates the streets, heading for the cinema. She hasn't a clue where they're going, but he assumes it won't take long for her to catch on...she is a Magnus, after all. He's had tickets to the midnight showing reserved for a week, already, and was so eager to see the film that he couldn't help it.

Iron Man 2. Midnight premiere.

What could sound like more fun?

Declan slows and turns into the parking lot, his eyes already roving through the numerous cars for a place to park himself. He pulls in slowly, as close as possible and then turns to her.

"Here we are, love," he grins.

#cat: fluff, !ic, nudge: ashley

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