U.S. Delivers Radar Systems to Ukraine

Nov 22, 2014 04:33

By Terri Moon Cronk
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2014 - The U.S. military delivered three lightweight, counter-mortar radar systems yesterday to Ukrainian armed forces, Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren told reporters today.

The radar systems are the first few of 20 that will be delivered during the next several weeks and U.S. military members will begin training Ukrainian armed forces in mid-December, Warren said.

“The radar systems see incoming mortar fire and quickly calculate the point of origin of a mortar round fired by the enemy, and allows friendly forces to react appropriately,” the Pentagon spokesman said.

The Ukrainian armed forces will determine how, where and when they will employ the systems, he added.

“It’s also up to the Ukrainians if they attach these radar [systems] to a fire-direction system, which will allow for counter battery fires, or if they use them independently and react with ground forces,” Warren said.

The radar systems are part of the $118 million in equipment and training the United States has committed to assisting Ukraine’s armed forces.

“We’re working closely with the Ukrainians through the interagency process,” the colonel said.

A U.S. team of about 12 people also recently completed some medical training in Ukraine.

“[The team] assessed Ukraine’s need for immediate care, looked at potential long-term capacity building and conducted some battlefield medical training,” Warren noted.

Втдимо, хунта задумала покарать мирных минометчиков -- взрослых бородатых жителей детских садиков, больниц и школ.

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