(no subject)

May 14, 2008 00:45

IT ISN'T FAIR!!! I mean, really??? Great freakin' heck of a monkey's face on the moon!


It's just... look, I know that he's supposed to have the same mind and all that jazz, but the Tenth Doctor and the Ninth Doctor just have to be different in more ways. I mean, otherwise, what the heck was the point of his dying? I guess... obviously the whole reforming thing, but like... just the way that it makes sense in my head is that with the regeneration there simply must be something that's irretrievably lost. Maybe he has those memories from before, but the relationship that he made with Rose in Season 1 can't possibly be the same. After all, she went back (so to speak) to 200,100 to save the Ninth Doctor, not the Tenth. ECCLESTON, not Tennet! And that may not matter in the very least, but it just has to be. Does that even make sense?

I don't mean to stereotype, but the whole idea of regeneration is that there's something new that's formed in the wake of the death of the former. I can't satisfy myself that the only thing that's changed is superficial. The Doctor told Rose that they wouldn't be together like that again, and obviously that's realized itself in his "physical" regeneration, but I feel like there's more to the Doctor than his appearance. He said that he wished he could have shown her Barcelona, so if WHABHAM he does as the Tenth Doctor and it's all peaches and sweeties, than what the HECK was the hugely emotional *watchmeasIexplodeintoanalienlightshowandblastoutofmyclothes* bit??

I can't even process this. Really?? It just isn't fair that we had the Ninth Doctor for only one season. And I know that was because, what, Eccleston left the show because he didn't want to end up type-cast in the future but COME. ON. And obviously Tennet's around for at least three more seasons. And he may be just bloody brilliant, but he won't be Eccleston. He was the first (at least, in this revamped 21st century airing of DW) and he's the one that I fell in love with and the reason that Rose kept coming back.

As much as I want to find out how Rose copes with this new manifestation of the Doctor, her character is such a flooze sometimes (I mean really, she can't just devote herself to one guy but she oggles after every member of the male species that crosses her path, even if she does prove her loyalty and looooovvvee to the Doctor in the end) that I'm afraid she's just going to be all like "Oooh OK, you're cute, I'll totally go with you wherever the heck you want to go". At this point, as much as I despised Mickey this season--granted, he did redeem himself in a big way in this final epi--I'd almost rather she stick it out with him and be HIS girlfriend than lust after this new Doctor. How bad is that?

What an intense first season. And I can't even rant coherently.

doctor who, angst

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