(no subject)

May 12, 2008 23:09

Yay for turning in stuff! For better or worse, I handed in my Lit paper and mini-project. I should hear back about the former sometime on Wednesday and the latter... I expected some feedback this evening. But it was not to be! Buuuuuut I did get my Civil Rights Lit paper-of-doom back, and managed to scrounge up an 89! Not bad, but soooo close to an A- that it's almost upsetting. But I shan't complain! There's hope for my GPA yet.

"A River's Reach" premiered at the Paramount Theater tonight, which was really pretty neat considering I had no idea that that little theater was there. Or I had seen it and assumed it was just another abandoned building in the middle of our sleepy downtown. It's pretty rough in that part of the "city," so unless you're actually going to do anthropological studies of the homeless (and I can in fact check that off my to-do list), you're really out of luck. But it's really lovely inside, pretty newly rennovated and apparently it's booked just about every night with different venues. The turn out was much better than I had expected--granted, I was pretty pessimistic going into it--and the film wasn't half-bad, albeit a little too heavy on the character typing. But my head was in the background of a scene, so it was worth the time out of my oh-so-busy evening. That, and it supported Project Pericles, of course. That, too.

My "House" party went from a gathering of two to a roomful of FOUR (thank you, Tonks), which worked out well when we started up a game of Scrabble, as there was one player for each side of the board. For the record, the score stands thusly:
Tonks with 145
~chocoholic with 126
Lindsey with 101
Me... with 74

I was royally defeated, but I did manage to get points for two words when I made "clot" and subsequently turned "dives" into "divest." To my credit, I was playing with two other English majors and one very intelligent, pun-tacular science junkie.

Alack! I must away ere the hour becomes even later. Looks like I'll be doing my Old Testament homework in the morning...

house, grades, pericles, scrabble

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