(no subject)

Feb 18, 2010 00:08

Since I'm hunkering down for my final science course -- an Environmental Studies lab that I shouldn't have to be taking, thank you very much -- I thought that a little Who-related swagger could help spruce up my time outside of the English department. If you're going to spend a semester testing water quality, pH and pollution levels in local lakes, you've got to have something to keep your head warm and your brain fan-girling! So I made this TARDIS hat in the hopes that one of the cute science geeks will recognize the design and whisk me off to the lab to show me the real meaning of time and space (*snerk*). But even if that doesn't happen (hey, a wanna-be Companion can dream, can't she?), at least my ears will stay warm. It has been unseasonably cold, and we're spending the better part of two hours out-of-doors every Thursday.

knitting, crafts, doctor who

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