(no subject)

Feb 17, 2010 19:22

Man, I'm pimping some fic, yo. My own fic. 'Cause that's how I roll. Fo sho.


No, but really. I thought I'd pass along a few links to some new-ish writings I've done! I've got a DW piece that was an exercise in hurt/comfort and quite cathartic after finishing the End of Time duo, and a little SS/HG drabble from grangersnape100.


Title: Song for a Timelord
Category: Angst, Het, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene, Romance
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose
Summary: On the verge of regeneration, the Tenth Doctor finds he isn't alone. TenXRose, with spoilers for "End of Time."

Title: Ministry Masquerade
Category: SS/HG
Characters: Snape, Hermione, random Ministry flunky
Summary: Five years after the War, Hermione is dragged along to a Ministry anniversary ball and finds herself swept off her feet by a certain large-nosed someone. Drabble response to the grangersnape100 challenge "Playing Cyrano." 100 x 5.

fic, doctor who, ss/hg

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