Feb 13, 2003 14:07
My new favourite quote: "There's no point finding a groove in the wrong tempo." - Bruce
Man, I love musicians. It's so wonderful to play with people you respect, and make music and crack jokes and just generally do what musicians do. The in-jokes, the musical short-hand...finding "the groove". In the right tempo, of course. Last night's rehearsal was good. We're preparing for some big things - recording in April, another jazz club gig (and apparently there will be a lot of promoters and bookers there), and we're in line to play at the Commodore! Woohoo! That would look great on the 'ol band resume.
I took the quiz that Andy mentioned - since when is Canada a "European" country??
The latest thing to piss me off: Commercials for drugs that don't tell you what the drug (sorry -"medication") is actually for. "It's new. Ask your doctor if ******* is right for you. Ask for a free sample of ******." But the ad nevers mentions WHAT THE DRUG DOES! I mean, I'm sitting at home, watching TV and I see this ad. Am I supposed to think "Gee - I haven't had a new drug for awhile. I think I'll ask my doctor for a free sample of it. I have no idea what it does, or what it's for, but hey, it's new! And it's advertised on TV so it MUST be good for me." Remember that one a couple of years back, that advertised this great new drug (sorry - "medication"), and woohoo! It's purple! Like that's a selling point. I don't know what this drug does, but it's purple. Cool! Set me up, doc.
Well, tomorrow is Valentines Day. Hubby has a gig. I don't. *pout* Last year at this time I was in Toronto, celebrating all things Fruvous and meeting some of the most wonderful people I've ever known in my life. This year I won't be in Toronto. *double pout* On the bright side - it's 13C degrees and sunny here. Neener, neener, neener. ;-)