Super crunch week

Feb 13, 2023 21:18

Day one of the super crunch week is over. If we want to have any hope of finishing all our assignments on time, we have to turn in three books this week. Today we almost finished one of them (we still have to do the final readthrough). That gives us two days each for the next two, and then almost all week for In/Spectre next week. ...And that's not including all our simulpubs. We did one of those today, actually. Thankfully it was kind to us and not very difficult to translate. (Unless it was more difficult than we had the brain power to realize, and all the readers will be like, "What in the heck happened here? This translation is the worst!")

Incidentally, we did get to try that black raspberry ice cream. It tasted like...tart vanilla ice cream. Athena says that it tasted like strawberry ice cream...which also tastes like tart vanilla ice cream...but a little more in a raspberry direction this time. It's kind of weird, like there's an aura of raspberry flavor, so like the air kind of tastes like raspberry, but the ice cream itself tastes like tartness. If we concentrated enough, it tastes maybe like raspberry. But that's just how our tastebuds are. We just need the proper flavor magnifier to bring out the unique raspberry flavor over the tartness. Based on the fact that I can identify the raspberry flavor from candy we've had in the past, I surmise that the proper magnifier is a whole lot of sugar. ...And that's why we don't eat berries.

The ice cream was still pretty okay, though. We will eat it again. Maybe with some caramel sauce.

Today I'm thankful for finishing our work quota, still having some time to watch Strawberry Shortcake, also getting to watch Kuro Neko again, getting to try the black raspberry ice cream, and the knowledge that this gauntlet won't last forever (as long as we don't keep adding assignments...).

busyness, food adventures

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