Berry interesting...

Feb 11, 2023 21:53

Saturday is our day to attempt to do non-work productive things, but when we're crunched, all we want to do is die and play video games. Nevertheless, we did manage to drag our carcasses to the grocery store, and that turned out to be nice because, not only were there Girl Scout cookies, but they had a new (to us) flavor of ice cream! Black raspberry chocolate chip. It's a little confusing, because I'm preeeeeetty sure that black raspberries are blackberries, but for some reason this ice cream is black raspberry.

...Okay, so Wikipedia tells us that black raspberries are not to be confused with blackberries, but it didn't tell us the difference. According to WebMD (of all places), the two have different flavor profiles, with black raspberries being sweeter. That's good, because last time we tried raspberries of the non-black variety, all we could taste was sourness. It's possible that they came from an extra sour batch, but nobody else seemed to have trouble eating them, so we think it has to do with our wacky tastebuds.

Anyway, we had to get this ice cream, because blackberry is the flavor that represents Marinette in Miraculous ice cream, and strawberry chocolate chip is the flavor that represents Ladybug. And now we have it! Tadah! ...But we haven't tried it yet. And we probably won't try it tonight, because we have to get up early for church tomorrow. But someday! Hopefully soon, because we don't have a whole lot of room in our freezer, so we need to eat what we have.

Today I'm thankful for having a new ice cream flavor to try, having a bunch of Girl Scout cookies, getting to play in the Valentine's Day Splatfest (obviously they're not advertising it as such, but the theme this time is chocolate, and in Japan, February plus chocolate equals Valentine's Day), finding a promising website to buy new glasses from, and getting to watch more Miraculous.

ice cream, miraculous

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