(no subject)

Oct 28, 2012 02:11

HAPPY TIMEMAS EVERYONE! :D (Daylight Savings Time - my favorite day of the year. It's like Christmas, but instead of presents you get TIME. And you don't have to give anyone ANYTHING and there's no religion and gross food and awkward family gatherings. Hence Timemas = the winter holiday I can 100% get behind.) So tonight I'm celebrating the traditional way: by staying up to 3.30 in the calm knowledge that when I go to bed it will magically be 2.30 and I can sleep my usual 7-8 hours without getting up later than usual. Actually I'll sleep MORE than I usually do. It's the most wonderful day of the year.

Been busy, WoW is back to being fun again. I found a guild, which I think I may have gotten off on a slightly awkward foot with but they seem nice and friendly and fun and like the kind of people I usually get along with. Started leveling my monk with Tim and it is AWESOME, loving pummeling people with my Fists of Fury and doing barrelrolls, it's such a fun class. If only I could stop Kung Fu Fighting playing in my head the whole time, but I guess there are worse things.

TV's been a bit up-and-down this week, but mostly up I think. Wednesday was certainly up, I had NINE new episodes that day - compared with zero the day before. Not much to say about em, though, I really enjoyed New Girl (which should really be called the Nick Miller Show at this point, as far as I'm concerned), NCIS: LA, Pretty Little Liars (in a "ROFL WHAT" type of way), Hart of Dixie (where the writers have just completely been replaced with Zoe/Wade fanfic writers, and I'm 110% good with that!), Criminal Minds (YOU GUYS, Reid has a girlfriend! And I think it might be Beth Reisgraf, which is just TOO PERFECT), and Parks & Rec (did NOT see that proposal coming, best surprise ever!). Everything else: meh, okay, whatever. I guess there was a bit to say about them, but that's enough now. Still have half an hour left of guilt- and stressfree awake-time, which feels like it should be more but that's time for you. There's never enough, not even on Timemas. :(

i: celebrate timemas, games: world of warcraft

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