2008 yearly fic meme

Dec 31, 2008 09:45

2008 story stats:

125,000 words total
43 stories and 20 drabbles, in 8 fandoms.

This doesn't include any of my yuletide stories. Yuletide 2008 story roundup here.
Total word count with Yuletide: 132,700.

Supernatural--38 stories, 118,000 words total.
2 were 20-22,000 word length. 8 were 3,000-7,500 word length. 19 were 1,000-2,900 word length. 9 were under 1,000 words.

Supernatural drabbles--17, 1,700 words total.

Friday Night Lights--1 story @ 1,000 words

Friday Night Lights drabble--1

Farscape drabble--1

Doctor Who--2 stories, 1 @ 700 words, the other included in SPN totals

Gargoyles (Bad Guys comic)--1 story @ 1,200 words

Iron Man--2 stories, 1 @ 800 words, 1 @ 2,000 words, 2,800 words total (crossover story is included in the Supernatural totals)

Iron Man drabble--1

Justice League Unlimited--1 story (crossover included in Supernatural totals)

Chuck--1 story @ 1,400 words

And that end-of-year fanfic meme, stolen from myself from last year, and who knows who I got it from originally. Probably mtgat.

My favorite story this year (of my own):
I'd likely give a different answer on a different day. Just because it's so fresh in my mind and because I do love it so much, the SPN story The Boy's Still Running (Gen, PG-13, 4x10 coda). It's an amazing feeling when you get an idea about a character and it feels like it HAD to have happened exactly that way. That's what happened with my idea about Dean's departure from hell, what Castiel did to get him out, what Sam says to Castiel, what Sam says to Dean.

My best story this year:
Technically, Unexpected Company (SPN, gen, PG-13, preseries) is something I'm pretty proud of, trying to get Bobby's voice down and the challenge of writing Dean and Sam being so young and yet still recognizably themselves. Also, writing John Winchester is always a challenge, there's something about him that always seem to be beyond my grasp. Especially at this stage when he's only a few years out from Mary's death and just learning how to hunt. In most of my preseries stuff, he's already been hunting for a while and is already badass. Also I'm pleased with how Bobby's emotional story worked in and around with the Winchesters'. This fic was a little bit of a surprise because I thought it was going to be more of an outsider pov on the Winchesters (and more of a crack!fic) and it wound up being Bobby's emotionally journey as well.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Now Hollow Fires Burn, SPN, Gen, PG-13, set during season one. Yeah, I know how it works. Some things strike the right chord with a fandom and some things don't. This received some lovely feedback, but considering the subject matter--it was a heavily Sam&Dean oriented story--I was sorry it wasn't more widely read. I really like this story and thought it was unusually spooky. Also, it has Sam and Dean in a full-out brawl. *jazz hands*

Most fun story:
In the Wires, Gen, Iron Man/SPN crossover. Because almost nothing is more fun that writing Dean wearing the Iron Man suit and snarking at Jarvis and getting to be a Marvel sort of hero. ♥ See below where I talk about this year's theme--this was also a chance to put Dean in the sunlight and in a place where he could let out a whoop of pure glee. *sigh*

Most sexy story:
More Than the Flames of Me, SPN, Dean/Castiel, NC-17.

Story with single sexiest moment:
See above.

Story with single sweetest moment:
The Boy's Still Running. Yes, still hung up on that . *g* When Sam gives Dean that little speech, and puts his hand on his head.

Most unintentionally *telling* story:
I've never understood this part of the meme. However, taking it to mean the story that felt the most squirmingly emotionally honest/raw-- Double Edged, SPN, Gen, PG, preseries.

"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story:
The Trouble With Jarvis, Iron Man, Gen and the unrequited love of an AI butler for his creator. I am not shipping Tony/Jarvis. SHUT UP!

Most disappointing story:
Until Dawn, SPN, Gen, PG, Stanford era. This story was so much more awesome in my head. I'd wanted to do it since I wrote Long Past Dark in Feb 2007, possibly for a while before that: Dean and John hunting together, snarky and comfortable and a team, once they'd gotten past the initial shock and misery and upheaval of Sam being gone. Based on the little we've seen in canon, it looks to me like John and Dean could've had an in-sync partnership, a precursor to the Dean-Sam but less balanced, with John definitely as the leader and Dean as the rookie. It felt like I captured some of what I wanted to capture, yet this story never felt to me like it was solidly anchored.

Hardest story to write:
A Thin Chain of Next Moments, SPN, Gen, PG-13, AU. Co written with batyatoon. This was novella-length and Batya and I took forever to write this. I'm not sure if it can count here since we wrote a lot of it in 2007 and in 2008 (see what I mean?) We started it right after Crossroad Blues aired. We kept writing, sure canon would never go there. Canon went there. We adapted, even though it's an AU. We kept writing. We got Jossed. We got Kripked. We got Jossed. We got Kripked. Not to mention the part where we covered in as much detail as we could a decade of Dean's life, including an expanding Winchester family, John's PTSD, Dean in a real potential long-term relationship, and how emotionally wringing this story was.

Easiest story to write:
Turning Left Again, Doctor Who, Gen, coda for Journey's End. This kind of popped out of me, after I was done crying bitterly and cursing RTD's name. *beams*

This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most:
2007's theme was The costs of loss (permanent or temporary) and/or regret, the fear of losing someone. 2008 continued that and narrowed with laser intensity on DEAN'S HELL DEAL. A Thin Chain of Next Moments kind of epitomized that, but the majority of my SPN stories this year referenced back to Dean's deal in some way or to the idea of SAVING DEAN, time running out, Sam's desperate need to SAVE DEAN. And the last few months of 2008 was a good deal about the aftermath of Dean's having been saved. I think another theme of 2008 was different kinds of love, how people take comfort from different sources and are in need of all of them and how they fail, and don't fail, those they love most. A lot of my gen SPN fics in Sept-Dec were about that.

Sticky post indexing all my fic. The SPN drabbles are here.

yearly fic meme

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