I posted a rant about why I don't believe
pit bulls should go to dog parks. Of the many posts that responded yes they should or no they shouldn't... i just read this:
"PS Pit Bulls have tendency towards dog dominance not aggression. Aggression is a behavior they learn through reinforcement. My dog Sal is Dominant with most dogs (except my mom's Cockapoo... lol) but is not aggressive. Dominant does not = aggressive. Sal and his best friend like to hump each (Dominance) but never act aggressive. Sal knows I will not tolerate aggression against any thing."
um... umm... so all those experienced pit bull breeders, rescues, and other experienced pb owners are wrong?
Oh so when my dog sees a german shepherd mix and he gets all "snarky," it's because he wants to dominate the gsd, not because a gsd mix got into a fight with my dog almost two years ago. And pit bulls aren't really dog aggressive, despite being used for dog fights for 2 centuries... they are just trying to sort out dominance issues amongst themselves while ripping out each other's throats??
I feel like I am missing something here...