After a couple of "heavy-set" mutts mauled and killed her beloved cazoodle, a woman wants to make sure this doesn't happen to cazoodle children.
A cazoodle, in case you were wondering, isn't a mixed breed, but a super-rare cavalier miniature poodle spaniel. We're not sure where the "z" comes in, but there you go.
Says the woman "My concern is some dogs mightn't distinguish a puppy from a child." It's true. It's a serious problem for dogs. They see a 5 pound cazoodle and think "HOLY SHIT - THAT'S A CHILD! MUST EAT IT!" The same is totally true when they see a child, "OMG! THAT'S A CAZOODLE CHILD, MUST EAT IT!" Dogs cannot distinguish puppies from children. It is a neurological impossibility. I mightn't distinguish from a chitlin and a cazoopoopapa either. I mightn't. Ain't that the truth.
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