Computer: Borked

Oct 15, 2009 23:04

I may or may not be able to update my legacy, or even play my Sims2 game in the future. Today, my hard drive decided to completely die. And stupidly, I didn't make an external backup (I work two jobs, help take care of the household with my husband, and am just ridiculously busy all the time...)

Since I didn't own the install discs for my Sims2 game (I am a terrible person, my friend owns them, and we share because he takes pity on my poorness), I don't know if I'll get to reinstall. I don't know yet if we can save the game data. I feel kind of dumb that I am equally upset about possibly losing my Sims game, my CC and my save files as I am about losing the photos of my wedding and my work files. I swear, that is one hell of an addictive game. I've gotten so attached to the Goreys.

(Not to mention so much of my CC is from creators who are no longer in the community, and it would be a major pain to find again...)

A new hard drive has been purchased and is being installed, and we're going to try to get as much data as possible off the drive. I just don't know what can be saved and what can't, and what this will mean to my Sims playing.

EDIT TO ADD: And the old hard drive can't even be recognized. It comes up as completely un-initialized. I am so boned.
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