The Gorey Legacy Part 18

Oct 07, 2009 21:09

Missed my usual Sunday updates a couple of times there. Alas! This Wednesday update will have to hold people, since it's doubtful if I can get to an update this coming Sunday. It's a busy week!

We'll start this update with Hobart getting promoted! He's now a CEO, at the top of the Business career track! Also, this puts him perma-platinum.

Being a high-powered business man who wears pirate clothes in his off-time doesn't stop Hobart from being more attentive to baby Zillah than Epergne is.

He does diaper duty without complaint. This isn't really too surprising, since he was fairly attentive to Dawbis and Snedleigh when they were babies.

Speaking of the teens, they are attempting to interact with the opposite sex in the darkness outside. Snedleigh may be out of luck though, as I think the gal he's talking to is in college. College girls aren't generally interested in high school boys. Especially if said boys refuse to change out of their pajamas.

Dawbis and Nancy finally achieve Crush Status!

First kiss achieved!

Young love, so charming. So fleeting.

Buoyed by his success at locking lips, Dawbis asks Nancy to go steady.

EPIC FAIL. She rejects him handily.

Epergne shows us all that an infant lives in the house. And with Dawbis distracted by girls, he's not cleaning up like usual.

She at least feeds Zillah. Hooray, maternal behavior! And yay, she got the baby off the kitchen floor!

Embley is still working on getting all her skills maxed out. Thus, star-gazing. Also, her One True Hobby is science, which she has almost no enthusiasm for, mostly because I didn't have anything in the house that related to her hobby. Oops!

Epergne and Hobart are still doing okay, relationship wise, mostly because he doesn't know about her cheaty ways. Willful ignorance? Who knows.

I accidentally delete Breanna's custom hair from my downloads folder. She does not like her temporary hair. At all.

Hobart adores Zillah. He autonomously cuddles her whenever he is holding her.

Embley: Hey kids! Guess who's home?!

Embley, your children are all at school. And Zillah isn't mobile yet.

Yep, these two are still pretty romantic.

*FIREWORKS* We all know what that means.

Much to Breanna's chagrin, Hobart now goes to and from work in a helicopter. Every. Day. Thank god they have so few neighbors, or people would be complaining about the noise.

Embley is fascinated by the fish. You'll note the dining room is NEW. Brand new.

I had to move them to an all-new lot, yet again. Why? Well, I loaded the game and their house was GONE. Poof, vanished. As though it had never existed! D: Thus, we lost all the heir portraits. Augh! But, Embley still had the gravestones for her parents in her inventory, so those were saved.

Yeah, I cursed a lot at the computer. No idea what happened to the previous house. Thus, from here on out, it's their new house that I built for them on a different lot. A completely hill-free lot. Rather than jinx this house, I didn't do any house pr0n photos. I stuck to the same basic decorating and color schemes for rooms, though, so it's not much different.

She and Breanna are still very cuddly together, always giving each other back rubs and hugs.

Snedleigh is very close with his little cousin. If left to his own devices, he'd take care of her all the time. And not go to school. Hrm.

Zillah looks like every other Sim infant ever. Which reminds me that I really need to download a default replacement for that diaper outfit. Some kind of sleeper suit, I'm thinking.

Dawbis is still the cuter of the twins.

Embley, in the brand-new kitchen.

Epergne succeeds at feeding Zillah again!

It's Zillah's birthday! Hooray, infants are fairly dull!

The family gathers!


Wow, great hair, Zillah! Alas, she doesn't get to keep it. It seemed too big for a baby!

Zillah is perfectly cute after her makeover.

And now, a short side jaunt to check in on the other Gorey cousins!

Harold and his mom Meadow anticipating his birthday.

Teenage Harold is looking pretty cute! Not a lot of Boggerslosh in his features though. Ah well.

Lizzia, Eepie's daughter, about to age up in her extremely pink bedroom. (Why I decorated rooms for Sims I don't even really play, I will never know...)

Wow, Lizzia! Undies as jammies? Okay, then!

She's cute! I wasn't sure how well Eepie and Kenneth (aka Depression Era Kid) would mix.

Meanwhile, back at the Legacy house:

Epergne actually has wants to do motherly things for Zillah, like toilet training. Who am I to argue?!

And, Epergne being Epergne, she wants to be reminded that even though she's the mom of a toddler, she's still a sexy beast. Hobart will oblige!

Annnnnd, we had a lullaby chime here, so Epernge is definitely having baby #2.

That's all for this update. Not terribly long, but I wanted to at least get something up since I'm trying to maintain a good update schedule. I'm leaning towards Dawbis so far as the Generation 3 heir, but who knows, with Zillah and Fetus #2 in the mix now. Plus, who knows who will impress me in college. (It's not that I dislike Snedleigh, he's just... kinda... there.) ^_^ As always, thanks for reading!

gorey legacy, gen2, gen3

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