The Gorey Legacy Part 15

Sep 06, 2009 09:41

So, uh, I haven't updated since July. To my credit, I was in the middle of a move... but now that we are moved in and I have internets again, things won't be so hectic and maybe I can update more frequently...? Maybe? Oh, who am I kidding....

Anyway, it's Gorey time! Yes, it's everyone's favorite goofball goth family! Okay, maybe not everyone's, but certainly mine.

We start with Epergne trying to put the moves on the guy who came home from work with her mom.

Epergne: You could pestle my mortar, if you know what I mean! Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more!

Epergne isn't the best Romance Sim ever, sadly.

Maybe a pillow fight is the one true path to romance? Seems to work for all my other Sims...

Since Hobart inexplicably was dressed as a pirate when I last logged in to my game, I gave him more pirate-y hair. And eyeliner. Because pirates always have eyeliner now, right? :D :D :D

He is also generally oblivious to Epergne's flirting, until the crucial moment, when he will wander over and just stare at her. Whatever works, dude.

Mad Scientist Mom Embley tucks in her kids, using the metal claw. Ahh, nothing like a Mom Claw.

Epergne gets her heir portrait done by Embley.

Finally, Epergne gets a dude (besides Hobart) to fall in love with her. I think this goober's name is Guy.

They are the soul of discretion.

This child with Too Much Blush-On followed Dawbis home from school. No, you can't keep her.

Embley: It's sweet that you admire my chosen profession, but no, we can't keep you. Your parents obviously have plans for you on the child beauty pageant circuit.

Friedrich is obviously having a senior moment in the background.

Epergne and Hobart, having Bedroom Makeout #125263647.

Naenae may be an Elder now, but she's still hot to trot. Breanna is slightly obsessed with Friedrich, I think because he retired from the Journalism career and she wants to reach the top in that field.

Naenae's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

Or, at least Friedrich, anyway. He was down with her dope rhymes.

Work continues on the never-ending Epergne portrait. She keeps wandering off to kiss dudes.

And, the twins go off to private school. Breanna is saved from another nervous breakdown!

The Wall of Heir Portraits is complete. There's no Hobart, because he is just Epergne's permanent boy-toy, and is not married into the family.

And here's why Epergne is not married yet...

We all know where this is leading...

Finally, Epergne manages to cheat on her boyfriend, like a proper Romance Sim.

She doesn't look too thrilled about it though.


Does Hobart even notice Guy leaving? Nope, he's more concerned about Harold Gorey (Boggerslosh's kid) being there.

Nope, no jealousy here. Even though he's returned home from work to find his woman in her drawers just as a guy leaves.

Epergne: Hey, baby, I stripped down because I knew you were coming home!

That's romantic and devious and all, but right in front of your parents? That's a little tacky.

Harold and Snedleigh play tag. Or some other game that requires a lot of running around outdoors.

Dawbis autonomously practices the piano. Or harpsichord. I like to pretend it's a harpsichord, like the Addams Family had.

Friedrich wants to stay fit, even though he is old.

Naenae attempts to befriend all the neighborhood strays. How she can be having empty nest syndrome with a house full of grown children and grandkids, I have no idea.

She did achieve her LTW, though, and is now the superhero, Captain Hero.

This means she flies to work!

Meanwhile, in the mundane world of average mortals, Embley maxes out Creativity. (Her LTW is to max all seven skills.)

Naenae gets home from work via flight as well. And still does the "hey kids, I'm home from work!" dance. Boy, does that dance get annoying after a while.

Speaking of dances, the Hula Zombies appear in the house! D:

The Grim Reaper has come for Naenae! D:

She doesn't really want to go!

But then Grim offers her a fruity tropical beverage!

So, she picks up her ghostly suitcase, and fades away to her permanent vacation. Naenae is my first Sim to die in-game. No, I'm not kidding... I'm weird about keeping people alive, but you know, Legacy rules and all...

Meanwhile, Friedrich is obliviously sleeping while his wife passes on...

Embley is crushed!

Dawbis is miserable!

Even Breanna is upset!

Friedrich gets the memo in his sleep, finally.

It is the House of Grief.

Breanna deals with grief by becoming very angry. We all have our own methods of coping.

And Snedleigh is also distraught at the loss of his grandma. Even though it was Dawbis who witnessed the whole death thing.

Epergne and Hobart decide to deal with their grief the only way they know how.

Epergne seems to think SexyTimes are the answer to every problem or issue.

Friedrich wakes up finally, and is inconsolable.

The children just wander around sadly.

A mausoleum is built on the property, so Naenae's remains can be interred. Rest in Peace, Naenae.

Immediately after this life-shattering event happened, my game started glitching a ridiculous amount. The lot wouldn't load, or it would load and then crash a lot. I tested all my CC, I used the Batman Box from MATY, nothing worked. Thus, the Goreys packed up their irreplaceable items into their inventories and moved to a new lot and new house I built for them. I think my game just can't handle the traditional 5x5 lots required in Legacy Challenge rules. Next time, it's more Goreys in their all new house!

As always, thanks for reading.

gen1, gorey legacy, gen2, gen3

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