The Gorey Legacy Part 14

Jul 07, 2009 09:33

.... So it's been a month since my last update. I don't even have the excuse that I'm playing Sims 3, either. No, I am just lame about updating. I've played ahead a good bit, too, just haven't had time to get the pics ready/posted/commented on. Lord, am I slow.

Anyway! Enough whining! GOREYS, NOW.

We start with Breanna serenading Embley. In the bathroom. What is with my Sims and romantic gestures in bathrooms?! They're still in love after two children though, which is kind of nice.

Speaking of still in love, our Founder, Friedrich, is still pretty passionate about his wife, Naenae. Elder love is darling.

... Nope, still adorable. I figure if they want to go at it, they ought to. They've earned it, after four kids and two grandchildren!

Naenae is still a classy lady.

Still chasing that Lifetime Want, too. I always worry when she uses the treadmill though. She might break a hip!

Friedrich is working on the Heir Portraits. Embley is unhappy about this turn of events. She could be skilling, instead of wasting time standing around!

Dawbis proves his gothiness by attempting to commit suicide with his toy oven. So Sylvia Plath!

Oh, no, he's actually cooking. Whoops.

His Fail Muffin is made of Fail.

Dawbis: This muffin is as black as my soul...

Annnnnd, two seconds later he's totally fine with the Fail Muffin. Kids!

Apparently, everyone is eating from the Fail Muffin buffet. Epergne still refuses to wear anything more modest in front of the children.

I should rename these guys the Grunders Legacy, since everyone tries to spend as much time as possible in their underwear.

Breanna's turn to be painted. She was just as thrilled as Embley was.

Romance in the bathroom again. What is with these people? Is grout really that titillating?!

Naenae is still a bit eccentric in her old age. Here, she edits the twins' diaries while they sleep...

Naenae: Oh, I am so worried about those kids, so many sentence fragments in those diaries... not to mention dropped punctuation...

Embley works on her LTW of maxing all seven skills. She has ten neat points though, so it's a constant cycle of work out/shower/work out/shower/etc.

Naenae spends a lot of time on the phone with Eepie and Boggerslosh. But she never wants to invite them over. Maybe they steal silverware, I don't know.

Dancing. In the kitchen. Sure, why not?

Snedleigh coming home from school, looking very studious.

Some kid that followed him home. Damned if I can remember his name now. No one seemed to pay him any attention.

Dawbis returns from school with a report card he can't believe! Well duh, you just started school, kiddo.

Clearly, the front yard by the mailbox is the best place in the world to stand. LET'S ALL STAND THERE!

Embley meets the wolf.

Wolf: I helped teach your baby to talk! Uh, I mean, baroooooo!

Like many grandmothers, Naenae is a tickle monster.

As usual, any affection of any kind must be demonstrated in the bathroom. Preferably in the smallest one in the house!

Breanna is echoing my thoughts of "what the hell are those kids up to?!"

High fives! How 1970's.

.... Epergne and Hobart both really need to get a sense of shame.

Dawbis attempts to make a friend.

And he immediately ruins that potential friendship by being a giant butthead.

Random Townie Girl: Augh! You're a giant butthead and I hate you!

Dawbis: HAHAHAHA! Wussy!

I failed to capture any shots of the twins' first attempt to get into private school. (They failed, and I can't imagine why, with Dawbis' charming manners...) Breanna took it extremely hard.

Thus, it's back to regular school they go, come the morning.

Hobart, stop that.

Breanna isn't getting enough Knowledge based wants fulfilled. It's her own fault for spending all her time browsing the web for Arts & Crafts.

At some point, Hobart got fat, and then took offense when Friedrich pointed it out.

Absolutely no idea why I took this shot now. Maybe I liked how Dawbis was looking at his grandparents? I got nothing here.

Embley and Snedleigh enjoy the "Swing Around" option, and if left to their own devices, will try to sneak outside to perform it at all hours of the day and night.

Naenae grows more eccentric with age...

She never did this when she was younger- never!

It makes the rest of the family wonder if they need to find a nice home for her to go to...

Breanna's portrait is almost done, thank god. She was not an easy subject.

These two are still going strong. It's really cute.

Guess who inherited all his mom's neat points? Yep, Dawbis, who cannot bear an unmade bed.

This jerk of a neighbor burst in to berate Friedrich for peeping at him with the telescope! He shouldn't have had such lovely hydrangea bushes- Friedrich has high Nature enthusiasm.

Poor Friedrich. The encounter left him very rattled.

A bubble bath was the only thing that would soothe his troubled head.

And that's all of that for now. I have more to come, if I can just get it ready. Let's hope it doesn't take a month!

gen1, gorey legacy, gen2, gen3

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