Title: Rachel
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Runaways
Table/Prompt: Table 1/76. Baby
Character/Pairing: Nico/Tommy, Molly, Chase, Teddy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Summary: In which there is much fuss over a baby.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own very little. Another story from
That Damn Mpreg Molly elbowed her way past Teddy (who was toting a gigantic stuffed bear) and Chase, coming to the side of Nico’s bed. “Oooh, lemme hold her!”
Tommy looked up from his newborn daughter and held the baby closer to his chest. “When I’m done,” the speedster said.
“He hasn’t let me hold Rachel yet either,” Nico told the young mutant consolingly.
“Can I see her?” Molly asked, leaning forward. With a great show of reluctance, he held the newborn out a little. “She’s sooo cute and tiny!” Molly squealed. “Like a little doll!”
“Yup, my kid’s perfect,” Tommy said.
“No praise for my hard work?” Nico asked. “Then how about letting me get some rest?”
“But - baby!” Tommy said eloquently.
“Yes, Rachel’s adorable, and I’m not throwing you all out only because I’m on wonderful drugs,” Nico sighed.