Title: A Very Important Date
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Runaways
Table/Prompt: Table 1/4. Late
Character/Pairing: Chase/Gert, Molly/Victor
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Summary: Gert’s running late.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. A little peek into
That Damn Mpreg.
“Where is she?” Chase asked, not for the first time. He was sitting on the steps of the courthouse with Victor and Molly, looking at his watch. “Jeeze…”
“Probably some fight with a super villain or something,” Molly said as Chase’s cell phone went off.
“Y’ello? Hey, Nico. No, not yet. She’s not here. You don’t think she changed her mind, do you?”
Molly rested her head against Victor’s shoulder. “She’ll be here,” she said. “Right, Victor?”
“Uh-huh. Have you tried calling her?” Victor asked.
“Voice mail. Seven times.” Chase sighed. “She can take care of herself,” he added, talking mostly to himself.
That was about the time the Quinjet landed. Gert stumbled out, scowling at her tattered cape and limping a little due to the heel broken off her left boot. “I hate time travel things,” she announced. “How late am I?”
“Babe, you are right on time.”