Title: Trapped in a Closet
Universe: Young Avengers
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A little Eli/Kate/Tommy interaction written for
odyssey01 in exchange for
Art. Eli backed up as far as the cramped confines of the closet would allow and charged the door. He hit it with the kind of impressive force that should have shattered the wood into toothpicks.
The emphasis here is on should.
Instead of breaking out, the super-solider bounced back, careening into Kate and Tommy.
"Billy!" Kate bellowed, shoving Eli off and marching up to the door. "Let us out!"
"Not until you work out this thing between you!" Billy shouted back.
"What thing? There is no thing!"
"Is too."
"Shut up Tommy," Eli growled.
"Tommy's right," Billy shouted through the door, "and you're not coming out until you three work it out, or kill each other. At this point, I don't care which!" All three could hear Billy stomping away, muttering angrily.
"There isn't a thing!" Kate called.
"Yes there is," Tommy said with a smirk.
"Care to elaborate?" Eli asked coldly.
"Gladly," Tommy said. "I," he pressed a hand to his chest, "am hot. In fact, I am very hot. Now Kate here," he pointed to Kate, "is also very hot. And it is only natural that two beings of hotness gravitate towards one another."
"'Two beings of hotness'?" Kate snorted.
"Now you, Eli," Tommy continued," recognize the hotness that is Kate. And you want the hotness for yourself, thus causing you to resent me and the threat I represent."
It was Eli's turn to snort. "Uh-huh. Okay, genius. What do you suggest we do to get Glenda the Good Witch to let us out?"
Tommy leered. "One word. Threesome."
There was a moment of stony silence before Kate and Eli turned their efforts towards kicking the door down.