Title: 15
fullmetal_cutePairing: Victor Mancha/Molly Hayes
Fandom: Runaways
Theme: 15. Candlelight and Incense
Disclaimer: I own nothing
"-happy birthday toooo~ yooooooooooooou~!"
Molly took a deep breath and blew out the candles, to much cheering and applauding, much of which was produced by Nico's speedster boyfriend, who was trying to show how enthusiastic he was about Nico's friends. Only Nico seemed to appreciate it, and even then only so much. She smacked him upside the head and handed Molly the box on top of her pile of presents. There was no tag to say who it was from, but Molly knew as soon as she popped the lid open and pulled out the bright purple bobble hat. "Gee, thanks Vic," she deadpanned.
Victor smiled sweetly, folding his hands on the table. "It's a sweet hat," he teased.
Molly rolled her eyes, twisting the had around her hands. It smelled like the sandlewood incense she'd gotten Vic for his birthday. Finally, she put the hat on her bare head. "Pretty cunning, donchya think?"
Victor laughed.