Title: Nac Mac Feegle
Fandom: Marvel
Characters: Jono and a couple of OCs
Prompt: 63. Early Morning Blues and Greens
Word Count: 148
Rating: G
Summary: It’s November 1st, and his children are still blue.
Author's Notes: Part of my That Damn Mpreg series.
It was almost seven in the morning on November 1st, and Angel and Zeke Starsmore were still blue. Jono crouched beside the tub, his internal fire drying his sodden clothes, and glared at the bottles of blue body pain lined up on the tank of the loo. The stuff was supposed to wash right off with water, but his children continued to look like overgrown Smurf.
“We’ll nae be fooled again!” Zeke shrieked, splashing his sister. She splashed him back, gleefully informing him that there could be only ten thousand.
Never again, he said.