Oh my Lady Gaga

May 11, 2011 16:21

 So I haven't done a "life" post in a while, it's all been books and Doctor Who. Which, admittedly, is sort of my life.

Work is still relatively quiet. The students who I work with the most are all gone on study leave. They seriously get a whole month off before their exams to study. And they still complain there isn't enough time to take their SATs! I want them to tell that to all the high schoolers in the States who have school finals, AP exams, SATs and school all at the same time!

Some of these kids are just so privileged. And my job is to ferry them over to the good old US of A.

I went out a lot this past weekend. On Friday night, I was only supposed to stay out until midnight because I had a school trip the next morning. But I kept running into people I knew, including Hottie Hapa guy from a month ago, and ended up staying out until 5 in the morning. I then left my phone in my friend's hotel room and had to go to Hong Kong in the morning to get it. So I didn't make the staff trip. Instead, i met up with friends, we had horrible (but cheap) shots at this hole in the wall bar. I ate a delicious burger, got hit on by creeps, ended up with three phone numbers I don't recognize (and don't plan to call), and then we all went swimming at the Grant Hyatt.

We were pretty tired when we managed to haul ourselves up on Sunday, so Y and T and I went to grab breakfast, and then shopped for a bit at Zara. After that we just headed home across the border, and I fell into bed and did nothing but read for the rest of the day.

Last night was pub quiz at La Casa, and we didn't do nearly as well this time. Up til round three we were still in the lead, but then round four was brutal. It was about airports named after famous people, and we had to name the country and city where they were. Out of a 20 point round we only got like... 5. Such a shame.


I just found this. It amuses me.

And it is just way too hot in Shenzhen these couple of days. I step outside and it's like a sauna. Today's high was 88 degrees. I've been trekking out to McDonald's every day this week to get an ice coffee, the girl there knows me and my order already!

Luckily most places have AC. But walking anywhere without an umbrella is hellish.

I'm also the only one in the office at the moment. Two coworkers are out sick and the other two left early. I feel like doing a dance. Maybe I will...

ramblings, freaky deaky weather, i have too many gifs, china nuttiness

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