
Apr 11, 2010 17:16

Really sucks. I wish I could love the spring, but it brings the most horrible affliction in its wake, ALLERGIES. I'm a mess right now. Two days ago, this happened:

CUTE KID IN MY CLASS: Are you ok miss?
ME: Yeah, don't worry.
CKIMC: *pause* You look like a zombie. *walks away*

Oh the joys of working with children.

Anyway, spring also brings lots and lots of papers, since this is when professors decide that work must be submitted RIGHT NOW. I'm so glad I'm graduating, I'm really not cut out for any kind of academia. I'm dreading the day I have to enter a master's program already, and that's like, two years in the future.

So, to avoid doing actual work, I'm going to do fake work and make a list (love lists) of the TV shows I'm following right now, in order of the level of obsession I have towards them. yay

1. Doctor Who
The new series is totally brilliant. Steven Moffatt has taken something I already loved beyond reason and turned it into a show that I am constantly thinking about now. I have been wrecked for anything else for the past two Saturdays, all in anticipation of seeing the new episodes. Everything about the new series is pushing all my buttons. I love the new doctor, new TARDIS, new companion, everything. I love that the show has returned to a more joyous and fairy-tale like view of the universe. The days of angst-ridden last-of-the-timelords are over. The new show embraces the universe and does it with such wonderful enthusiasm. I'd almost go as far as to say this season might trump season 3, which is my favorite 'cos of Ms. Martha Jones. Amy Pond is definitely living up to past companions of awesome, and I just can't wait for everything to reveal itself!

2. Lost
Though I'm not constantly obsessing over this show, I'll watch episodes as soon as they show up online. This season has really managed to keep me interested and tuning in. The storylines are incredibly compelling, and I love the concept of an alternate timeline. Of course, the fangirl in me is also loving seeing all the beautiful people and old friends (and enemies) that keep cropping up.

3. QI
I'm technically not even in the current season, but I've been working my way steadily through the backlog of episodes, and I'm now in the second half of the F series. I LOVE this show. Stephen Fry is brilliant, as always, and I love the revolving door of comedians. It has, on occasion, made me laugh so hard I nearly fell off my chair. Of course, being from the States as I am, I don't get some of the Brit celebrity references, but that's a small price to pay for this.

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4. Modern Family
I adore this show. The characters here are more real and genuinely funny than so many other sitcoms. The situations that happen are equal parts absurd and completely believable. And Phil Dunphy is possibly the funniest person on American TV.

5. Castle/Bones
These are the only procedurals I'm currently watching. There was a brief hiatus for both, so they'd dropped off my radar until about two weeks ago. These are two shows though, that consistently make me laugh, smile, and sometimes cry over. The 100th episode of Bones from this week made me do all three. Though they tend toward formula and predictability, there is a heart to these two shows that just make them so much fun to watch. Also, Nathan Fillion and David Boreanez. Need I say more?

6. How I Met Your Mother/The Big Bang Theory
I don't know what's up with CBS programming. These two shows have been showing up randomly for one or two episodes, then disappearing again. It's really inconsistent, and making me forgetful, which I didn't think would ever happen with these shows. When they are on though, they're still so brilliant and funny, I can't help but watch and squee.

7. Legend of the Seeker
I'm so sad that this show might be cancelled. It's not exactly award-worthy material, but there is so much pretty! The main actors, Bridget Regan and Craig Horner are fantastic, and there is so much scenery porn it makes me blush. There's clunky dialogue and lots of silly action and sword fighting, but I can't help but love it. The campiness reminds me so much of Xena or Hercules and many afternoons of glorious watching as a child. Please, please, please, TV gods, spare this show!

8. 30 Rock
I went through a marathon of watching the previous seasons with my roommate, and we both fell in love with Liz Lemon, Jack Donaghy, and the rest of the insanity of TGS with Tracy Jordan. Since we caught up with the current season though, my interest has flagged a little. I will still watch when an episode airs, but usually a few days after I've noticed it. It also doesn't make me laugh as much as the first few seasons, but it's not a show I'm giving up on any time soon.

9. The Office/Family Guy/The Simpsons
These are my go-to "i'm bored and nothing else is new" shows. There's nothing really to say here. They're fun, silly shows, that will give me a laugh or two sometimes. I never feel a burning need to watch new eps immediately though.

It's not on until Tuesday, but this is probably going to shoot straight up to #2. I can't get enough of this show. The musical numbers, the characters, the campiness... all in one shiny rainbow package that is just so wonderful! Love, love, love.

I watch too much TV don't I?

musings, squee, lists are cool, i watch too much tv

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