My apartment is so weird

Apr 25, 2010 23:42

It has really bizarre acoustics. I can knock on the door and ring the bell for minutes before anyone hears me to come open the door. On the other hand, the bathroom is next to my room, and anytime someone flushes the toilet it sounds like a waterfall just opened up in my room. I can also always hear people having sex from the other side of the apartment.


And I just opened my door for a few minutes, but the insidious smell of pot from my suitemate's room has crept in.

Blegh. I'm so glad to be out of here soon.

In other news, I'm busting my ass on my student teaching portfolio and watching Lost reruns at the same time. It's not really working. Should switch off Lost, but it's so difficult! There's so much pretty!

life is strange

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