Oh internet, how I have missed you! I know it's only been a little over a week (and I've managed to sneak the occasional fic on AO3), but how happy I am to return you to your proper procrastination-enabling uses! I shall now use Google Images instead of Google Scholar, shall search the archives of AO3 instead of JSTOR, shall upload to you fic
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I love break. I do, I really, really, do. It's midafternoon, all I've had to eat all day is cake, and literally all I've done today is bake and read fic. And next I'm going to watch a movie. AND I'm still in my PJs.
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I can't believe J-term is almost over! It seemed to drag on and on last year, but this time around it flew by in a flash. And you know what that means...
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I have this friend who never had anyone to tell her "Don't let it ruin your whole day." And I see her freaking out over the smallest stuff, and all I can think is...thank you, Dad. She's my friend and I love her, but...she needs to learn how to let go of this kind of thing--and I probably would be exactly the same way, except my dad never let me
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My favorite part about finishing a project is getting to get rid of all the tabs that have been lurking and accumulating at the top of my browser. Thank you, internet, but I no longer need to know about the composition of bluegrass music. ... Well, at least not until I go back to class on Monday.
Went to Maryland/Virginia/DC, didn't have internet access but had a great time regardless, and am now back staring at the blank word doc that needs to be a five page paper by this time tomorrow
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Sometimes, I really like Kentucky. Sometimes, everything is going well and I'm getting As (or Bs, I'm okay with being a B student at a school this academically rigorous) and I manage to maintain that positivity I strive for. Sometimes, I'm just getting by, but at least the song stuck in my head is a good one and that enormous paper that's going to
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