I should be working, but fannish stuff is so much more fun. And since I've been catching up on Doctor Who *points to subject line* and have watched 12 episodes of the 2005 season in the course of the last three or four days, my head is full of Doctor Who impressions (I dreamt about it last night, I think).
I never saw any of the old Doctor Who series and have only learned about the existance of such a character a few years ago, when discussing the inside versus outside dimensions of the Weasleys' tent with a friend, as it reminded him of the TARDIS. My interest was peaked when I watched Queer as Folk UK, because I wanted to know what exactly it is that Vince finds so fascinating about Doctor Who. And I have felt very much like Vince the last three days, as watching Doctor Who was the last thing I did before turning off the lights at night.
Anyway, my impressions:
- Rose is lovely. I really like the character and the way she was introduced. I also like that it was she who was introduced first and not the Doctor.
- Christopher Eccleston? He so rocks.
- Got seriously creeped out by the creepy dummies. The set-up was clear, but nevertheless very effective.
- Dummy!Mickey was great. So funny and so creepy at the same time.
- I hated Rose a bit for letting Mickey stand there and leaving without a word of explanation. Okay, there was the Doctor, but Mickey is such a nice guy and I felt really sorry for him.
- Christopher Eccleston rocks. Also, as he is the first Doctor I've ever seen, he will remain my ultimate Doctor, even if I ever get to see Tom Baker in the part.
The End of the World
- The restaurant at the end of the universe. Apart from that, the episode left me fairly unimpressed.
- Of course, there was Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor. But that's a given.
The Unquiet Dead
- Written by Mark Gatiss!
- Simon Callow!
- It's always a cheap trick to include historical figures in time travel plots, but an effective nevertheless. The audience can feel smug about knowing more about the characters' life and future than they do themselves < / pretentious interpretation
- Rose bonds with the servant girl again. She did so already in End of the World. Just sayin'.
- Another female character sacrifices herself to safe the world. Just like Jabe did in The End of the World. Just sayin'.
- Will the pattern be repeated in every episode? I wonder.
Aliens of London
- Loved the Doctor's reaction to an alien ship's crashing down. A refreshingly relaxed attitude when compared with other heroic figures, who think that it's their responsibility to set things right. He just has a drink.
- Loved the whole mother-daugher, Mickey-Jackie and Mickey-Rose conflicts in this episode. Poor Mickey. I really feel for him.
- Poor pig :-(
- The PM's Second Undersecretary (or whatever he was) was cute. Shame he had to die.
- Harriet Jones was played by Shaun's mother from Shaun of the Dead. I only recognised her, because she played basically the same character as in Shaun of the Dead. (I didn't recognise her in Pride and Prejudice.)
World War Three
- Ah yes, the weapons of mass destruction.
- I was reminded of that Simpsons episode where the two tentacly aliens take up the appearance of - was it Gore and Clinton? - and have to walk around holding hands to exchange protein strings.
- The way the heros survive the bombing by hiding inside the closet reminded me strongly of the Simpson episode where the kids were instructed to crouch under their tables in case of a nuclear attack.
- It's Doctor Who versus The Simpsons with a very rocking Christopher Eccleston.
- I had no idea what "Dalek" was before I saw this episode.
- Rose bonds with the dalek. Aw.
- Poor little slimy creature. But what would a pale slimy creature want to look at the sun for? It would burn instantly, what with having no pigmentation to speak of. It should crave to see the depths of a grimy underwater cave one last time instead. But I guess that's not symbolic enough.
The Long Game
- And here goes Shaun. Does he know his mom used to be PM several hundreds years ago?
- Floor 500 is, of course,
The Island.
- Using finger clicking as a signal to open your forehead and expose a part of your brain? Stupid. Can't they go with some password which is not likely to be uttered randomly in your vicinity? That's what I'd do.
Father's Day
- I cried.
- I belong to the Terry Pratchett school of thought, which states that history finds its way and that killing one person will not change its flow and no dragonish creatures will appear to eat you if you prevent your father's death.
- The disappearing children at the playground were seriously creepy.
- I would not have thought that Mickey was so much older than Rose. Most of the time she seems older.
- I cried a lot. *is such a daddy's girl*
The Empty Child
- Okay, what is is about children that makes them inherently creepy? The Ring, The Others, the ubiquitous twin girls holding hands... Creepy.
- Captain Jack! At last!
- The Doctor still rocks, though.
- The other doctor rocks, too. What is it with my fondness for suffering old men?
- I find the roomfull of empty grown-ups not half as creepy as the lone child.
The Doctor Dances
- The Doctor did dance at some point. I'm not surprised.
- All these characters are pretty relaxed about how their stupid blunders tend to kill/hurt a lot of people.
- But I'm not here to discuss the question of morality on Doctor Who.
- Not when it is disclosed that Captain Jack is much more flexible when it comes to dancing than men of the 21st century.
- Riding the bomb! *incoherent*
- Loved, loved, loved how the four of them went out for lunch together.
- Captain Jack is not quite so appealing outside his military uniform. I didn't know I had a uniform kink. Hmm...
- Okay, seriously: Annette Badland (Margaret Blaine) would make such a great Umbridge. I couldn't stop thinking about it for the duration of the episode.
- "Oh my god, I've gone native." What a fantastically delivered line.
- Poor Mickey. I realise someone's got to be the comic relief, but he deserves better. I hope he's happy with the new girlfriend.
- But I admit the others are kewl.
- Ooh, nice Margaret/Doctor interaction. She's a clever one. Bring her back!
Bad Wolf
- WTF?
- I liked how the Bad Wolf theme has been introduced throughout the series, but I'm not sure I got the punch line. So the Daleks created this only to catch the Doctor? I've got to rewatch the episode.
- Very good: introducing the new cute female character and potential travel companion before killing off Rose. Makes Rose's death by disintegration very believable.
- Very nice manic outburst on the Doctor's part. The Daleks are trembling with fear within their metal containers.
Off to watch episode 13 now. Am not looking forward to the ending, though :-(
But David Tennant's nice, too.