Вс, 23:47: Indeed! RT @ NathanBransford: Wow, Kim Jong Il too? What a bad year to be a megalomaniacal dictator, amiright?
Пн, 00:15: So, this chapter is just barely long enough to break up. The spot I'm breaking it up at makes the second chapter REALLY short but I think...
Пн, 00:16: ...that shortness will emphasize what happens in it and how it affects Randi. At least I hope so.
Пн, 00:17: Am concerned about the "battle a chapter" thing going on right now, but I'll just have to see how betas take it. Changes can still be made.
Пн, 01:44: Running late tonight. Was int he middle of finishing up that chapter, then had to do dishes. Goal post coming up shortly. :)