Сб, 12:47: First the cat decides to start screaming at me to wake me up (an hour early, I might add), and now she's planted herself in my lap again.
Сб, 13:33: So, Chef managed to find Thanksgiving things at Aldis, so we're having a small Thanksgiving after all. 3# of sweet potatoes for 99 cents!
Сб, 13:43: Trying to get myself to the point where I can type up the changes I made to chapter 19 last night. Doesn't seem to be happening yet. lol
Сб, 13:46: RT @ RebuildDream: THIS! MT @ spedwybabs Something wrong w/this country that OUR tax $ pay cops to protect the 1% who pay NO taxes #ows ht ...
Сб, 13:49: House is damn cold today. Buried under the blankets because it's still not cold enough to turn the heat up and pay huge gas bills. :P
Сб, 13:54: RT @ RebuildDream: Powerful photos of poverty in America. Can't believe we allow this to happen in the richest country in history. http:/ ...
Сб, 14:11: .39 cents left int he account until the 25th. And everything on the 25th goes to rent. OR gets set aside to put us in a hotel.
Сб, 14:27: RT @ eaglewoman59: Census startled by explosion of ‘near poor’ Americans, 76% higher than official count released in Sept. http://t.co/o ...
Сб, 20:25: I hate when I question decisions I made on a previous round. #amrevising
Сб, 22:30: Too bad it took calls for his resignation! RT @ CNN California university to investigate police use of pepper spray. http://t.co/tVSqfGzz
Сб, 22:38: . @ shallowend That'll teach me to read the whole article first! Just doing a lot of multitasking! lol
Сб, 23:16: Charms 19 done and off to @ InkyTwig . Course that means I'm on to chapter 20. Just might get this done before the end of the year after all.