So, a few friends have been posting gift lists for their flists. I was actually raised to not ask for gifts/food/etc, but it occurred to me that some people on my flist may want to pick something up without having to ask me what I would like. So here's the "universal" gift list--meaning general enough that it could be used for almost any year or occasion. You can put it in your memories if you like, but I'll also link it in the sidebar (with a friends only note). I'll also try to remember to edit it whenever something needs to be added or deleted.
First I do have an Amazon Wish List. Several, in fact, that are all public. The main list is here:
Wish List; The most wanted is here:
Da Most Wanted. That being said, a gift certificate might work better when going with Amazon since I can combine them to cover the more expensive items and you can be sure your gift wasn't also purchased by someone else.
I'd also prefer B&N to Amazon considering how Amazon treats authors in their effort to get publishers to fall in line with what they want.
Finally, you can NEVER do wrong with post-its. I ADORE them. I run a
fan listing for them. I use them for just about EVERYTHING. (I need to get some of those label post-its for the kitchen, really, really do.) So, yea, post-its are da bomb and a great gift for me. ;)
Okay, other things that work:
A Scale: My weight loss program has come to a screeching halt because I can't check my weight, and I keep trying to put aside money for a scale, but pesky things like food and gas and utilities keep getting int he way. I REALLY could use a good scale. Seriously.
Tea :: Especially gift certificates or mixed samplers from
Stash Tea. My faves are Moroccan Mint, Decaf Chocolate Hazelnut, Pomegranate Raspberry Green Tea, and Vanilla Nut Creme Decaf. I'm also looking for an Orange Spice. Not into the chai's so far. I seem more a dessert tea person.
Gift Certificates for any of the following:
Woman Within. My wardrobe is hitting the "you're going to wear THAT?" phase of disintegration, so gift cards for clothes would be helpful, and these seems to be among the cheaper sites to carry my size. And of those three, Woman Within looks to be the best. For some reason, the other two aren't carrying as much over a 3X like they used to.
Bookmarks :: Love, love, LOVE bookmarks. One day I want to actually frame some of my faves together. lol Problem is I keep using them and the cats keep destroying the tassels. Regardless, can't go wrong with a couple of nice bookmarks. :)
Coffee Mugs :: Don't drink it, but love the mugs. We're getting to the point where the man will need to build me a shelf just for the mugs I have. We've covered just about every display space we have.... But I'd always love more.
Dragon Statuettes :: Got another beautiful collection going with that, and some are only a few inches tall (like...3" at the most, I think, for the smaller ones).
Bento Boxes :: Not too sure I need all the extra supplies, but the boxes sure are cute! Even though I work at home, packing a box lunch for myself in the morning has done wonders with making sure I eat healthier, eat smaller portions and a wider variety of food, and eat at around the same time each day. You can find boxes on several eBay stores, but, if you're eBay leery like me, there's also some really cute ones at
Sugar Charms (that top one, Cherry Blossoms, is downright pretty). I'm also told inexpensive simple boxes can be found at most Asian food markets.
Yankee Candles :: Particular scents I like: Raspberry Cream (if it EVER comes back out), Vanilla Lime, Black Raspberry, Sparkling Pine (Christmas), Purr-Chouli (Halloween). They had Vanilla Sandalwood for awhile too, but that's gone as well, and the Vanilla Oak was too sweet. I'd like to try the Cranberry Chutney. I'll add more scents as I come across them since I seem to have some limited tolerances scent-wise. If they have online certificates, a gift certificate might be the way to go here as well. Or a sample pack of the votives? I like the 14.5 oz jars in particular--when they're empty, they get changed into drinking glasses. :)
Since I'm not a pen and paper kind of gal, traditional writing supplies won't work (unless you REALLY want to send me reams of printer paper?), but highlighter packs with yellow, blue, pink, orange, and green are great. As are butterfly clips, paper clips, padded envelopes, rolls of stamps, etc--all those supplies that tend to get used up. I do like "journal" books to keep ideas in.
Gift Cards :: For Silhouettes, Staples, Best Buy, Woman Within also all work.
Cultural Cookbooks :: Especially authentic (non-Americanized).
Unique, Cultural Serviceware :: We love to find unique ways to plate our food, so unique ways of serving food is something we're very interested in. Things like Ramekins, Hotpots, Tagines (would really like to get some of these, especially in minis, if possible), tureens, unusual plates/bowls/serving trays (especially anything "mini" or serves a single person), etc. We'd need 8 of any item to serve everyone in the family. I've noticed some of these things can be purchased quite cheap (our ramekins were $2/ea.).
Books :: Currently (2010) would like the Horseman series by Val Ford (I have none of them) and am working on the With the Light...: Raising an Autistic Child by Keiko Tobe (I have up to #4). McKillip's The Bards of Bone Plain would be cool, but I prefer quality paperback and I believe it'll be released in hardback in December. I would adore Moon-Flash, The Moon and the Face, The House on Parchment Street, Stepping From The Shadows, The Night Gift, or Fool's Run, but they're OOP. And I LOVE the DK/Eyewitness handbooks as a resource!
Misc ::
baguette pans.
Hrmmm...think that's about it. I'll add/remove stuff as things change. I many bento boxes can one person have? (Was that a dumb question? *ducks the bento fanatics*)
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