Mon, 13:22: Seriously don't want to do house work today, but can never skip the kitchen.
Mon, 14:00: Trying to read OPPRESSION by Therrien, but the opening is so problematic, I'm not sure I'm going to get much farther than the first chapter.
Mon, 14:02: The MC comes off as having NO life exp despite being 80ish, the "chase" doesn't work, & a character's important "speech" was nonsense.
Mon, 14:03: Will give it a few more pages, but suspect I won't get far into chapter 2 before I'm done. Makes me sad. Thought it would be a good ...
Mon, 14:05: ... follow up read for DELIRIUM. Very disappointed. Expected to dump some of the self-pubbed stuff off my Nook, not small/trad pubbed books.
Mon, 14:06: Anyway, time to fire up the steamer & steam the front area of the apt. Clean the kitchen. Steam the dining room. Tom: the living room. Cats!
Mon, 15:18: I spent 1 hour house cleaning. 282 calories burned. #LoseIt
Mon, 15:56: Dinner will be late tonight. Forgot the beans needed to soak plus need 2 hours to cook. o.O
Mon, 16:06: Vagner doesn't want me to steam the dining room...he's taken over one of my legs as a bed. Silly cat won't move!
Mon, 16:07: (Must admit that it's nice to see him being affectionate again, though.)
Mon, 16:11: I hate to move him, but I really do need to take care of the carpet. We have a pee kitteh who is cat box challenged. :P
Mon, 16:28: I spent 15 minutes house cleaning. 70 calories burned. #LoseIt
Mon, 16:35: Late start on the editing, but have an hour before I need to start actually cooking the beans.
Mon, 18:13: REALLY yawny all of a sudden. Dinner in an hour though, so napping. :P