Sun, 14:07: Chapter clicking along nicely. I suspect when I revise it'll have to be cut into two or it may be too long, but we'll see then. #amwriting
Sun, 14:46: Wow. Dish just called. I sent an email last nt to the CEO & they had someone look into it. They're going to refund out money. I'm...floored.
Sun, 14:47: Since I canceled the card they took the money out on, it'll take a few weeks to get it back,
Sun, 14:50: Weirdo cat will eat hot rice off the floor and potato chips but not pretzel pieces.
Sun, 15:13: There are times when I stare mindlessly at something or realize I need to fix something or don't have the time to REALLY dig in. #writechat
Sun, 15:53: Took me a long time to find a crit workshop that worked for me...and I had to make it! lol Most were too big or wanted $ or both. #writechat
Sun, 16:11: What is it about just submitting a manuscript somewhere (whether a zine or an agent) that has me running to email 50 times a day? #writechat
Sun, 16:11: I KNOW they aren't going to respond that quickly, yet there I am! *head desk* #writechat
Sun, 16:38: Time to flip some laundry and cook some chicken to prepare for tonight's dinner. Go me. :P
Sun, 17:54: No chicken should smell that nasty after defrosting. Had to throw out over 2 lbs of chicken and run tot he store for some for dinner. :/
Sun, 20:13: Dinner was okay. Strong Greek type flavors. Boyo loved it and wants it again. Hubs hasn't tried it yet.
Sun, 20:21: I spent 25 minutes house cleaning. 117 calories burned. #LoseIt
Sun, 21:01: FB RT: Brittany Anne Zane "Caller ID doesn't tell you who's calling, it tells you who the phone company wants you to think is calling."
Sun, 21:27: Working on project number 2, Phoenix. Aiming for 2k, but we'll see. This book is a little harder to work on for some reason. #amwriting
Sun, 22:37: RT @ KagroX: Seriously. Gillespie's #Retroactively gambit is the final and complete severance of Republican politics from reality.
Mon, 00:20: Getting ready to do my LJ goal post. This past week was pretty much horrible (other than Dish) so REALLY hoping to get it back tog for next.
Mon, 01:30: I spent 15 minutes house cleaning. 70 calories burned. #LoseIt