Jul 18, 2012 12:00
- Tue, 12:47: RT @ dearauthor: Something is very wrong with us, and it’s not bad reviews http://t.co/cDOwYKgS
- Tue, 12:51: RT @ raecarson: "When rape jokes aren't funny." http://t.co/XkbAy4yG
- Tue, 13:22: 1 of 5 stars to Oppression by Jessica Therrien http://t.co/hflzNcfm
- Tue, 13:59: I spent 20 minutes house cleaning. 94 calories burned. #LoseIt
- Tue, 13:59: Yay. Yet another storm. *sighs*
- Tue, 14:12: Really, people who review over at B&N, giving 1 star to ask how many pages or if it's appropriate for a teenager is in really bad taste.
- Tue, 16:00: I spent 15 minutes doing knee/calf raises, sitting, no weights. 62 calories burned. #LoseIt
- Tue, 17:15: RT @ WriteRCastle: I have two words that will vanquish any chance of your day being productive: PANDA CAM! http://t.co/BgBHS2TX
- Tue, 18:14: Did LJ crash or my internets?
- Tue, 18:15: That would be LJ. Again.
- Tue, 21:47: I spent 25 minutes house cleaning. 117 calories burned. #LoseIt
- Tue, 23:24: *yawns*
- Tue, 23:54: Is it just me, or has no one really stepped up on Hell's Kitchen this season?
- Wed, 02:48: I spent 35 minutes stretching w/weights. 116 calories burned. #LoseIt
- Wed, 02:48: I spent 15 minutes doing core: sitting w/weights. 77 calories burned. #LoseIt
- Wed, 02:48: I spent 7 minutes doing core rhythms, core only w/weights. 58 calories burned. #LoseIt