my grey sky eyes neither rain, nor they glow... now you know

Feb 23, 2008 06:43

[22:53] *** Initial topic: AVF v2.0.1: Anyone who tries to injure another person in the Sanctuary will be transported to #thearena. The victim of the action will not be transported unless they also were inflicting violence. Please bring OOC problems to the Sanctuary's mods, that's what they're here for.
[22:53] Kowalski: Okay. I'll keep that in mind.
[22:54] * Elizabeth is damp-haired from her shower and has made off with someone else's shirt. It is ridiculously oversized on her, but whatever. "...oh, for God's sake." Nexus B|
[22:57] * KaraThrace looks up -- hey, people. Who aren't lookalikes for her dead lover! :D
[22:57] * Elizabeth blinks. Hey, she remembers you, lady. "Kara, hi!"
[22:58] * KaraThrace smiles in spite of herself. "Elizabeth. Hey. It's been a while."
[22:59] Elizabeth: "It /really/ has." Well, if she's here anyway, Elizabeth will get coffee and sit down.
[22:59] * Kowalski waves to new person. He looks like Leoben, but younger, and dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and big headkickin' boots. And a shoulder holster.
[22:59] * Elizabeth waves back, with a half-smile, and introduces herself, "Dr Elizabeth Weir."
[23:00] * Maria is bored, and consequently the Sanctuary has just been "gifted" with a tiny 19-year-old Lebanese girl in amazingly high glittery heels. Also, a coat that is approximately 2,000 years old, judging by its current state. "Hi, this is new. Where's--/huh/!" She's smiley even if she has no clue where the hell she is.
[23:00] Kowalski: Ray Kowalski.
[23:00] Elizabeth: "Morning, Maria."
[23:00] * KaraThrace , for the record, has longer hair - she's been away for a few months, her time, though /slightly/ less time here. "So... how've you been?"
[23:02] Maria: "Elizabeth! Hi!" Little finger-wiggly wave, and she's going to saunter on over to a chair, now, yep. Although she'll occupy the arm of said chair instead of...the seat itself. Don't judge.
[23:04] Elizabeth: "Oh...busy." Mmmm coffee. "Very, very busy. Maria, your shoes are more sparkly than the tiara Jazz can't get me to wear."
[23:04] * Kowalski blinks at the shoes in question. "Yeah, I'm half-blinded over here."
[23:06] Maria: "Don't you /love/ 'em?" She grins, slipping off her coat. Her dress is also made of sequins! ...okay, so it's more like 'half a dress,' Elizabeth at least is presumably used to this by now. "I know they're completely tacky, but hey, they look good under stage lights. What's wrong with tiaras?"
[23:06] Elizabeth: "Nothing, conceptually."
[23:06] KaraThrace: "Busy. Yeah, that's a good way to describe what I've been, without going into excruciating detail." Kara replies, sounding tired, but not, y'know, anywhere near as frakked up as she was this time last week.
[23:07] * Kowalski has profound suspicions about Maria's choice of profession. He's not judging, necessarily, he just . . . . has suspicions.
[23:07] * Elizabeth looks to Kara with some amount of concern, but no more than you'd really expect from her. This IS Elizabeth. "Mmmhmm. It's a nice, tactful way of glossing over things."
[23:08] * Maria would probably confirm said suspicions. Cheerfully. She adjusts the strap of her dress absently while glancing over at Elizabeth. "'Busy' include your freaky stalker boy? Did you get him taken care of?"
[23:09] * Elizabeth grimaces and sits back in her seat, crossing her legs. "No. I'm just going to ask him not to bother me again if I run into him, and if that doesn't work I'll worry about it then." She contemplates briefly.
[23:09] KaraThrace: "Yeah," Kara agrees. "It's good shorthand for anything, really." And that's okay, Elizabeth: Kara really, really doesn't know how to handle anyone's concern right now.
[23:10] * Kowalski looks up. "Stalker boy?"
[23:10] Elizabeth: "Just some unwanted attention." Elizabeth is very dismissive of it, sipping her coffee.
[23:11] Maria: "Mm. He of the big muscles, big metal armor, and /very/ small brain. Small other things, too, I imagine, judging by his personality!" She says this so sweetly. Somehow. "Don't get a restraining order, they just break 'em."
[23:11] * KaraThrace snorts. "Let me know if you need any tips on how to deal with that." Because, yknow, Kara totally didn't end up in love with the last freaky stalker she had, shut up.
[23:11] Kowalski: Yeah, I know how that goes.
[23:12] * Kowalski and his ex-wife nearly got blown up by someone's "unwanted attention" once.
[23:13] * Elizabeth grimaces again. "I'll be fine, it was just disconcerting." And annoying.
[23:14] Kowalski: Was, as in the guy's gone?
[23:14] Elizabeth: "'Was' as in I'm not going to devote any more thought to it than is absolutely necessary."
[23:15] KaraThrace: "So not, 'was', as in you had to kill him six times before he got the point, then?" :D
[23:16] * Kowalski grumbles. "Yeah, ignoring don't really work on those guys."
[23:16] Maria: "He's apparently completely uber, /nothing/ can touch him, or I'd have punched him in the face by now." ...yes. All one hundred and five pounds of her. "How is /that/ fair? The biggest jackass on the playground has the cool toys?" >:\!!
[23:16] * Kowalski quietly suffocates to death from badass and estrogen.
[23:17] * Elizabeth taps the side of her mug with her fingertips. "As of now, it's just uncomfortable and if I see him again, I'll ask him to leave me alone. If anyone needs to worry after that, well, I'll let you know."
[23:18] * Elizabeth ...had a nice evening, okay, she's feeling pretty chillaxed.
[23:18] Kowalski: Yeah, you do that.
[23:18] * Kowalski is not being sarcastic.
[23:18] * Elizabeth half-smiles and mock salutes with her mug.
[23:18] Maria: "Okayyy. Consider me mild and innocent. For /now/." She makes mischievous faces at Elizabeth. I'm sorry, she's like this all the time.
[23:19] * Elizabeth pokes Maria with her foot. "I'll consider you something."
[23:20] * Maria grabs at her foot. Poke poke. "You should consider me /cold/, I hate Chicago. Winter's /still/ not over." She wiggles around poutily.
[23:20] * Kowalski perks up. "You from Chicago?"
[23:20] * Elizabeth 's mind goes somewhere else for a second. Somewhere fun, apparently. "Poor thing. You need a better winter coat."
[23:20] * KaraThrace ... suddenly cannot take all the friendly good humor in here, right now. It's as good a time as any to make her exit. She's only here another night, anyway.
[23:21] Maria: "My coat is fine, it just needs to get /warmer/--mmhmm, born and raised!" She beams! "You?"
[23:21] * Maria waves at Kara as she goes, then!
[23:21] Elizabeth: "Bye, Kara."
[23:21] * Kowalski beams back. "Same. What neighborhood-- night, Kara."
[23:21] KaraThrace: "I should be... elsewhere." Kara says, getting up from her barstool. "Night guys."
[23:25] * Elizabeth curls her toes.
[23:28] * Kowalski is pleased as metaphorical punch to have found another Chicagoan. :D
[23:29] Maria: "What neighborhood are you from?" She is guessing...not hers, but you never know; her BFF Caleb is from Humboldt! ...where he sells drugs. She won't mention that.
[23:38] * Kowalski grins. "Grew up back o'the Yards, where the meat plants used to be. My dad worked there. Me, I live up in Fullerton now. Close to the station, real convenient, cheap 'cause it's a student neighborhood." Yep, he leads a sad life.
[23:39] Elizabeth: "Station?"
[23:40] * Kowalski breathes. ". . . are either of you gonna freak out if I say I'm a cop?"
[23:40] Elizabeth: "Hardly." Pause. "Well, I'm not."
[23:40] Maria: "Well, Elizabeth's kind of a hardened criminal, so she might," Maria says, innocently.
[23:41] * Elizabeth jabs Maria with her toes.
[23:42] Kowalski: Well then yeah, I'm a detective. Do me a favor and nobody panic.
[23:42] Maria: "Ow! Anyway--no, I'm chill. I'm staying up in Englewood right now and I just started working at Taste--" ...thus making her profession VERY apparent, although she won't actually ask if they're cool with /her/ job. "--but I'm gonna move to Lakeview soon. Be the only girl in my building, probably."
[23:43] Elizabeth: "I live surrounded by men in the military, Ray, you're not going to worry me." She wriggles around to look closer at Maria. "You should have an apartment-warming when you do."
[23:46] * Kowalski chuckles. "Ha, yeah. All sports fans up there, I bet."
[23:49] Maria: "Apartment warming? I don't even have /furniture/. This place is completely out of my price range, I have /no/ idea how Brian scored it for me." Through blackmail. She's not allowed to know that, she'd freak out. "So! Being a cop in Chicago. I don't blame you for being like 'oh man, don't hate me,' but you're one of the /good/ cops, right? I know there are some." She smiles brightly at Ray.
[23:49] Elizabeth: "You don't need furniture for a warming," Elizabeth waves her hand. "Just friends and food." And then really, Elizabeth would like to know that too, Ray.
[23:50] Kowalski: Yeah, I like to think I am. Seems to freak people out here, though, maybe I'll start telling people I
[23:50] Kowalski: I'm a hitman or somethin'. Just to fit in.
[23:50] * Elizabeth laughs, quietly.
[23:51] * Maria giggles. "That's kind of sad, being a hitman's cooler than being a cop? Personally, I know /too/ many hitmen.", really, she does. One of them likes to hit on her! :D
[23:51] Elizabeth: "I don't know if I know any," Elizabeth says, contemplatively.
[23:51] Kowalski: Mentioned it as a joke here tonight, half the room shut up and the other half cleared out.
[23:55] * Maria makes a face. "Well, fuck them, the only cops I have a problem with are the ones who keep beating up little black boys in my old neighborhood, and I am pretty sure I can detect those. It's my power. That and hanging on poles upside down with my legs." ...why does she speak.
[23:56] * Kowalski wrinkles his nose. "Yeah, I got a problem with those cops too. Don't know why we keep 'em around, honest to God."
[23:57] Maria: "Bureaucracy. But what are you gonna do, right?" She heaves a big sigh and pushes her hair away from her neck, absently. "Cold makes people crazy. Alex bitched about the weather all day long, 'cause Louisiana boys can't hack it." She says the name 'Alex' with a certain tell-tale adoring note.
[23:59] * Maria has no coherent train of thought. Ever.
[00:01] Kowalski: Man, I went to high school with this girl who'd moved from LA. She was bundling up and bitching by the time it got down to 45 degrees.
[00:01] Kowalski: And that was only, like, October.
[00:04] Maria: "Aww, poor thing! That's cute, though. I just want it to get warm so I can get away with wearing less clothes." Her priorities are amazing, FYI. "I only got to get out of Chicago for the first time ever, like, this year. I went to New York and Louisiana, and about died of cute Southern accents in the latter."
[00:04] Elizabeth: "Southern men have their moments," Elizabeth observes, dryly, and finishes her coffee.
[00:06] * Maria squirms around, grinning to herself. "It's the good old boy mentality, I'm telling you. All Alex had to do was open his mouth and I'd wanna plow him into a wall." She pauses. "Again."
[00:06] * Kowalski coughs. Too much information, thanks.
[00:06] * Maria is like this all the time, sry Ray. "What?" Such innocence. (Such LIES.)
[00:06] * Elizabeth shakes her head. "See, it went the other way. I'd pick and pick and pick and we'd fight, and he'd--" She coughs, and glances apologetically at Ray. "Sorry."
[00:07] * Maria is unapologetic. And a teenager. D: Tinygirl, why.
[00:07] * Kowalski headtilts at Maria. "Lemme guess, you're always likethis."
[00:07] Maria: "Basically! Sometimes I'm worse."
[00:07] * Kowalski was an unapologetic teenager last week. It was fun while it lasted.
[00:11] * Maria is going to be this way...forever, which is terrifying. "Anyway! Something that's not anecdotes from my sex life. Since I don't think you guys want me to go on." BUT SHE WILL, if allowed.
[00:13] * Kowalski stretches his legs out, instep buckles on his boots clinking softly. "So how 'bout them Cubs?" >:D
[00:14] Maria: "I prefer football," she says, cheerfully, knowing FULL WELL what reaction that usually induces.
[00:15] * Kowalski makes a face. "Football season's too cold to be sitting outside." He's used to Chicago weather, doesn't mean he has to like it.
[00:15] * Kowalski obstinately refuses to react to anything how anyone expects, ever.
[00:15] * Elizabeth mistook a hockey reference for football once, she should just not get into any kind of sporting conversation.
[00:16] Maria: "It's worth it! Although someone once told me football is too violent." She makes a face. "That's half the fun!"
[00:17] Kowalski: Nah, I still like baseball. That's a sport you gotta put a little /thought/ into.
[00:18] * Kowalski looks briefly wistful. "Always wanted to be a baseball player." And he looks good in the uniform, too. :>
[00:19] Maria: "Blah. S'what Alex said. It's fun to watch, I guess...I dated a baseball player, though, I think he put me off it." Maria's exploits are the stuff of legend. And/or horror movies.
[00:20] * Edward enters, arm in a cast. He's a young, thin blonde guy with a camera and nasty sharp pointy teeth.
[00:21] * Kowalski waves casually, taking note of the nasty sharp pointy teeth.
[00:21] * Maria waaaves at the new person. "Hi!"
[00:21] * Elizabeth glances up at the new arrival.
[00:22] * Edward smiles at everyone (hel-lo sophisticated mama), teeth normal again. "Hey hey." Yes, he said 'hey hey'; be thankful he did not go 'hay HAY haaay'.
[00:23] * Elizabeth half-smiles back.
[00:23] Maria: "Quick, baseball or football? It's a poll." As of right now.
[00:24] Edward: Um-- ba-- foo--
[00:24] * Edward pauses, as if debating with himself.
[00:24] Edward: Baseball.
[00:25] * Kowalski punches the air. "HA."
[00:25] * Maria puts her hand to her forehead and swoons into the chair she was half-perching on. "I'm alooooooone."
[00:25] * Maria is a little bit dramatic.
[00:25] Elizabeth: "I don't like either of them," Elizabeth announces, as though this settles it.
[00:26] Edward: Hey, neither do we. *glance this way, glance that*
[00:26] Edward: Can I get you guys anything--? *on his way to the bar! helpful guy!*
[00:26] Elizabeth: "No, thank you."
[00:26] Kowalski: Nah, thanks.
[00:27] Edward: Y'sure?
[00:27] Maria: "I'll get someone on my side," she declares, "One way or another--ooh, um--wait, I can't have coffee--lemonade? Is that back there? The pink kind, the lemon kind is vastly inferior to the pink kind."
[00:27] Edward: Pink lemonade is here.
[00:27] Kowalski: . . . Eurgh. Lemon-flavored coffee.
[00:27] * Maria beams. "Mind getting me a glass, please?" She blinks at Ray. "Ew. No."
[00:28] * Kowalski gestures vaguely. "Sorry, just . . . thought of it."
[00:28] * Edward gets a glass and fills it with pink lemonade! ... In fact, pink lemonade for the two of them, since it's just sugary enough. "Ice?"
[00:29] Maria: "Random thoughts, I get. But lemon coffee? I'm sure some yuppie's drinking it right now. Oh--umm, sure!"
[00:32] Kowalski: And people think I take /my/ coffee weird.
[00:34] * Edward gives her her iced pink lemonade without much ado!
[00:34] Maria: "Thank you!" She smiles at him! "I'm Maria, by the way." This is also to Ray, since she didn't introduce herself before.
[00:35] * Kowalski 's mun . . . can't remember whether he introduced himself.
[00:36] * Elizabeth recalls him introducing himself to her. Possibly not Maria!
[00:38] * Kowalski might as well introduce himself to Edward, anyway. "Ray Kowalski. Nice t'meet ya."
[00:38] Edward: Edward Brock juniour. :>
[00:38] * Edward offers his hand to the nearest person who is not Elizabeth, as he did indeed meet Elizabeth before.
[00:39] * Kowalski shakes.
[00:39] * Kowalski has ridiculously long fingers and a /very/ strong grip.
[00:39] * Elizabeth doesn't recall him off-hand, but also, she's checking the time and getting to her feet. "I should really get back."
[00:41] * Edward is impressed! This is a good handshake.
[00:41] Maria: "Aww. Bye, Elizabeth! Let's get together or something, soon. We could go shopping." Imagine these two shopping together. These are not styles that often blend, what with how Elizabeth...wears more than barely-there clothing.
[00:41] * Kowalski is glad to have impressed you, Mister Edward Brock Junior.
[00:41] Edward: See you, Doctor.
[00:41] Elizabeth: "We could, but you're not picking anything for me." Elizabeth grins, briefly, waves to the nice gentlemen and excuses herself back from whence she came.
[00:41] Kowalski: 'Night, Elizabeth. Nice meeting you.

[people] maria khirdaji, [ooc] irc log, [people] kara thrace, [people] ray kowalski

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